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for (ROUND ROBIN) Shear Obsession

8/31/2022 c8 ChristinaS
Had to stop and review...
This is for all the writers:
It's fantastic! I'm amazed how so many different people can maintain a cohesive storyline, as they hand off from chapter to chapter. It's all I can do to maintain cohesive thought in my own head!

Thank you so much!
8/31/2022 c4 ChristinaS
Ugh, Morelli!
8/31/2022 c3 ChristinaS
Aww these guys are so... OK not sweet, but well, sweet!
8/31/2022 c2 ChristinaS
It's really tragic that Steph is more afraid of the crap her mother is going to give her than the potential threat this guy poses.
Of course, she gets Ranger out of the deal, so...
8/31/2022 c1 ChristinaS
Wow, Steph as a hairdresser. She has that ability to get through to people, not matter their situation in life.
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