Just In
for Through the Eyes of Winter

7/27/2023 c1 Sturmundsterne
One speaker per paragraph. That is a basic role of the English language. Please go back and fix this. Might be the potential for a good story here, but it’s giving me a headache trying to keep up with all of that people talking over each other.
7/27/2023 c12 anja.quickert.9
7/27/2023 c12 kingmanaena
7/20/2023 c11 9cliff.west
just found this. i don't know if your going to show what they do with info or not. might work for a book two.
7/20/2023 c11 kingmanaena
good read
7/13/2023 c10 Guest
Hope to see more soon
7/13/2023 c10 kingmanaena
good read
7/6/2023 c9 kingmanaena
very interesting
7/1/2023 c8 Kitsuna G
It's good to see an update. I really want the Jon reveal
6/30/2023 c8 kingmanaena
very good read
6/30/2023 c8 Ovleer
Great to have you back! Looking forward to read more
6/25/2023 c7 orionastro
very good story so far, I hope soon they return to their lives performing the changes that ae hardly wait for the next chapters
4/2/2023 c7 Guest
Hope to see more soon!
3/4/2023 c7 santosrivera
When will there be a sequel?
2/1/2023 c7 2Heppie03
Are you going to include any House of the Dragon characters? I think that would be interesting
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