Just In
for Through the Eyes of Winter

1/12/2023 c7 46MilevenShipper28
I am enjoying this story very much indeed
12/22/2022 c7 anja.quickert.9
12/18/2022 c7 Draconic123
Great story
12/13/2022 c7 kingmanaena
this is so good
12/13/2022 c7 Paul
It's nice to see you back. Any chance you'll post this story on Ao3 as well?
12/13/2022 c7 Anonymous
Did you just rename Brynden (Bloodraven) to Daryn? There's taking creative liberty, but this is just pisspoor research on your end. You can do better.
12/13/2022 c7 Princess of Greenwood2
Write more soon please.
12/12/2022 c2 tsougrhs.59
Wow... this is really bad !
the dialogues and reactions of the characters is so unrealistic .. their emotion is all over the place and wrong
that make zero sense
and the Grammar is not good
12/12/2022 c6 Guest
Well half of this story are Nobel updates lol not worth the time until it gets updated
12/12/2022 c1 Guest
Enjoying this!
11/11/2022 c6 IX09
Have you ever thought of a reaction to God of War?
11/9/2022 c5 54timbarney110
Do you have any news on your computer?
11/5/2022 c5 Guest
Plz do amv videos
10/18/2022 c5 Guest
Hope you can update soon! Could you update through a phone?
10/5/2022 c3 Princess of Greenwood2
Write more soon please.
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