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1/4 c78 Sidero98
ah i was out by 1 ep, i forgot there was a buildup ep to the actual apathy interaction
still, enjoyed this one, cool to see everyone reacting to how weird people are being, looking forward to the reactions to that one frame by the well where wby all look dead behind the eyes
thank you for the chapters!
1/4 c78 3RHatch89
Loved it :)
1/4 c78 4Monster King
Awesome work please continue the story it's amazing your doing great work
1/4 c77 Lord Destroyer
You have no idea how right you are, Yang. Up next the first look into why it was abandoned, then the Apathy grimm, how they operate, how tough they are, how Ruby's eyes are the only way to deal with them, and how they infested the farm.
1/3 c77 Kane Marshall
I'm still disappointed that roosterteeth didn't used more of the apathy they just use that grimm for ruby silver eye's even if they didn't use it that much of ruby silver eye's in volume 7 and 8
1/3 c77 3RHatch89
Awesome update :)
1/3 c77 Sidero98
ohhhh the apathy ep is my favourite of volume 6, i am looking forward to this next one
i bet wby are gonna be super freaked out by how weird theyre behaving
been really enjoying this influx of new chapters, thank you for posting!
1/3 c77 4Monster King
Awesome work please continue the story it's amazing your doing great work
1/3 c76 1NitroMiyazaki
One thing about the questions, the wording may not need to be as specific as talking to Ambrosius would be. After all, when it came to answering the question of what Ozpin is hiding, there could be hundreds of answers to that as he’s lived thousands of years. And yet, Jinn specifically told everyone about the Girl in the Tower, despite not specifically asking for that information. It shows that Jinn can choose what information to present to others, and as long as everyone gets what they need from the answer, it’s all good.
Now, when it comes to asking specific questions like Ozpin did? That’s where it gets fuzzy. Jinn likely can’t answer further than whatever specific question a person asked. Perhaps if Ozpin asked How Salem could be “stopped”, Jinn could answer a whole list of possible ways to stop her, that wouldn’t necessarily have to do with killing.
1/3 c75 NitroMiyazaki
Good chapter, but you forgot that the power of the maidens can’t go to Salem. She’s far too old, and it only transfers to younger women.
1/2 c76 3RHatch89
Oh, Nora...
1/2 c76 2Shadow Drivver
Regarding Ruby’s question on what could’ve happened if Salem went to the God of Darkness first: tough to say, but I think the same would have happened, at least with the God of Light still appearing. He appeared in Dark’s domain seconds after bringing Ozma back, so he either knew she was going to do that, or felt his brother break the rule they agreed upon. A fight most definitely would have broken out between the two, but it’s tough to say what would have happened afterwards, or if Ozma and Salem would’ve died in the crossfire, since they are literally underneath them, and that’s not including all of the Grimm nearby that can pounce on them due to being scared.
1/2 c76 2makerboy10
They all know learn that Salem is a horrible person who destroyed any sympathy she once had
1/2 c76 10pokeloon15
I mean Nora isn't wrong.
1/2 c76 Lord Destroyer
Technically, Nora isn't wrong. It's basically a divorce with custody battle that neither won, and it's still going on after who knows how long. And it's indeed very messy since everyone else ends up getting involved in it when it's none of their business.

Welp, up next the Apathy episodes, the scariest for them no doubt, up until Ruby lasers them away. Then they'll mind about Maria.
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