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1/2 c76 galaxyeyes946
I mean, Nora is not wrong.
1/2 c76 10ultima-owner
Nora isn't wrong. this has to be one of if not the worst break ups ever. the exes are still going at it long after the paperwork has been filed.
1/2 c76 1Ushio
The biggest problem with the lamp retelling Salem's past is that it's not accurate. If Salem wanted destruction why was she hiding in a small cottage for who knows how many millenium since humanity has evolved a second time and got to some unknown tech level (Ozma has zips on his cloths and they weren't invented till 1917!) without trying to destroy civilisation. It's only once she learns she has a way to die by getting the relics that she goes all queen of Grimm.
1/2 c76 Uday Sra
1/2 c76 fall0fdark
I’ve been waiting for so long to get to this point and you did not dissapoint.
1/2 c76 Kane Marshall
Yeah the only way to protect remnant is by keeping the relics away from salem but team rwby themselves failed to do that now that salem have two relics and ruby the only chance of humanity survival but her mother summer also failed to destroy salem so in volume 10 ruby might die the same fate as her mother because salem is immortal there's no way of fighting that
1/1 c75 Kane Marshall
Happy new year everyone
1/1 c75 Kane Marshall
I truly hope you kill off cinder i cannot stand that raven show mercy to someone like cinder at all
12/31/2024 c75 3RHatch89
Awesome update :)
12/31/2024 c75 2Shadow Drivver
“Play us the next one, we need to know more!”

Oh Nora, you going to wish you didn’t ask that considering what is coming next.
12/31/2024 c73 6Zweig
Nice chapter.

Really hope you have Team RWBY and JNR rake their canon selves over the coals in the next few volumes. Like, the crew all had their flaws in the volumes prior. But Volume 6 is the one where they all started acting like Villains and Hypocrates.
12/31/2024 c75 WhiteKnightfan
someone should point out Salem's emblem to Jaune's in these scene, and the exact traits of blonde hair and blue eyes.
12/31/2024 c75 4Monster King
Awesome work please continue the story it's amazing your doing great work please continue the story
12/30/2024 c74 Kane Marshall
white knight fan are the one being really jealous right now remember you cannot force the writer what to write and weiss and jaune are not together if you see rwby x justice league so stop forcing the writer to choose a ship this the main reason why rwby mostly gone down hill the shippers ruined things
12/29/2024 c74 3RHatch89
Nice update :)
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