Just In
for Seducing Destiny

2/15 c136 21Ptool
so darn good!
2/15 c136 alec-potter
Nice update
2/15 c136 1TheGreatBubbaJ
The lad'll be going global here soon.
2/10 c135 yoto
bon chapitre
2/10 c135 dave
that makes no sense at all why tell harry to fuck her hard he's just sitting there she's doing all the work he should be telling her to fuck hard
2/9 c134 yoto
bon chapitre
2/10 c133 BrokenToilet007
Just wanted you to know that someone has posted this story on webnovel under the same name.
2/10 c135 Hoque007
Best chapter so far!
2/10 c135 21Ptool
heh loved it!
2/10 c135 Uday Sra
2/6 c134 dave
fog of venom? is it a snake or a dragon pretending be a snake because snake'S in harry potter magical or other wise don't have breath weapons like dragons from D&D
2/6 c134 steve
the malfoys are from france to not just the lestranges
2/6 c134 1TheGreatBubbaJ
What a cheeky shit.
2/6 c132 21Ptool
so fabulously done!
2/6 c134 alec-potter
Nice twist.
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