Just In
for The Choices We Make

12/1 c49 Eirhyal
Hi !
Thank you for your story, over the years I read good and not that good ones, and yours fall in the good ones category :)
I really had a great time reading it ! I was sometimes lost at the very beginning with the different times but caught up easily after a bit, and it fact it was really well written.
That’s why I wanted to write you a review :)
I hope you are doing well, I wish you the best,
6/16 c28 blindneighbour
6/15 c15 kedavisson93
Wow… now this is how you do a slow burn!
6/15 c4 blindneighbour
oof ok im invested
2/5 c49 RavenJynx
Honestly my new favourite. So refreshing to read a relatively new fanfiction of such a classic ship!
10/21/2023 c49 Nelli Natisha
Loved it
10/20/2023 c29 Nelli Natisha
Pansy is hilarious
10/19/2023 c18 Nelli Natisha
10/19/2023 c9 Nelli Natisha
Theo and Pansy. YESSS
10/19/2023 c9 Nelli Natisha
I will prolly always hate the pink toad
10/19/2023 c8 Nelli Natisha
Gotta admit. I understand his reasoning but dang thats sad
10/19/2023 c7 Nelli Natisha
I love that Dobby and Kreacher are working together
10/19/2023 c6 Nelli Natisha
Love Luna
10/19/2023 c3 Nelli Natisha
Im cackling
10/19/2023 c2 Nelli Natisha
Snape got jokes
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