Just In
for The Past Subjective

3/29/2023 c1 Anonymous
Hi, I am asking writers if they like this plotline and might be willing to make something of it because I don't write well to be honest lol.

Title ideas: "METEOR STRIKES" or "GAIA'S WARRIORS" or something like that.

Potential Headline:
When Meteor is only deflected by the lifestream and lands deep in the great glacier, no one would expect the horror's to follow.
Geostigma, Sephiroth and the deepground incident has slowly faded to memory over the last 9 years, but back in the Great Glacier, something is stirring and a new foe rises. Inside Meteor's deep crater- still full of magma, has revealed something burried deep within. Jenova had a Mother.

Potential Plotline: (Not sure it's good or not, please forgive me)

Memory Loss created from "The Queen'''s Miasma is making people forget who they are, but not completely. People remember others and how those people make them feel, but forget their own identity. To make it worse, the queen visits those she touches using her army and uses people's memories to impersonate people that the infected love, bringing them to her resting place, where she is creating an army of braindead monstrosities, including out of the monsters, animals (and perhaps summons) native to Gaia.

Kinda thought it could have Aerith's consciousness return to her body from the lifestream or something. Dunno. But the Meteor striking thing is where this all started. That, and Jenova having another relative or something.

Closing thoughts

Take it where you like, if you like. ... Just thought it would be a big twist on the plotline that hasn't been tried by anyone yet. Changes in weather patterns and stuff over the time gap between Meteor fall and the present (x years later) seemed cool to me too, like Tifa and Cloud reminiscing over Midgar's first Christmas with Snow. (Fyi, 9 years after D.O.C. would make Denzel 19-ish and Marlene 16-ish).

Anyway, happy writing and
kind regards. )
2/19/2023 c3 16LMC25
more revelations! Poor Zack, he was so young. wonder how the group will continue... in other words I want more please

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