Just In
for Ultimate Challenge

10/20/2022 c3 58Starway Man
I liked the mind games Sahjhan played against Holtz, and it's good to see Willow making an appearance in this story!
10/14/2022 c2 Starway Man
Thanks for the recognition, and I liked the fight scenes and how Darla and Drusilla ended up dust so quickly. Though I was a bit surprised how everyone called the Master "Nest", as I'm pretty sure that name wasn't actually used on the show! Looking forward to more soon.
10/1/2022 c1 Starway Man
The Beyonder was an unusual plot device, but I liked the description of the 'experiment' it described to Angel - how the members of Team Evil can completely wreck a 'perfect' world. Looking forward to more soon!

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