Just In
for Dreams

11/23/2023 c5 LadyinLA
Beautiful story! I love this spiritual connection between Kathryn and Chakotay. Hope we get some new chapters soon. I think I'll watch these episodes again to enhance the experience. Well done!
8/23/2023 c5 85forcverandalways
this is absolutely BRILLIANT <3
8/23/2023 c4 forcverandalways
this is so good!
8/23/2023 c3 forcverandalways
this is so precious!
8/23/2023 c2 forcverandalways
this is so cuteeeeee
8/23/2023 c1 forcverandalways
this is SO good ahhhhhh
12/19/2022 c2 Lynn Gibson
Loved how they are growing closer. Hope it continues!
12/19/2022 c2 Guest
Love both chapters! Great work and looking forward to the next one. I absolutely agree, it would have been nice to watch more about the cultural part in the series. Good that you take care of this now;)
12/19/2022 c2 93Joan Powers
Interesting start. Looking forward to more updates.
11/12/2022 c1 Kirsty
I love this. So interesting.
11/12/2022 c1 Grace47
This is an intriguing twist. I'm curious to see how this develops.
10/19/2022 c1 Guest
I actually really like this!

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