12/29/2024 c1 Puck627
I love this idea a lot and i hope to see what will happen to Harry if he gets a Lantern Ring, i think Green Ring, Red Ring, or Blue Ring.
Green Ring for Harry and Hal to grow closer to one another and become very close friends and best friends.
Red Ring for Harry to take revenge on those that have hurt him and betrayed his trust and friendship.
And Blue Ring for Harry to leave earth and be who he wants to be.
Anyway the point of Harry having a ring is to give him the freedom to live his life his way and by his own choices.
I hope that Harry meets Kilowog, Razer, Aya, Tomar-Re, Saint Walker and other lanterns to help him grow as a person and be a better person too and maybe have some of his classmates become lanterns too to help him on his journey.
Like for Orange Ring is Ron cause of his jelousy of Harry's weilth and fame and wants his own
For Blue Ring is Draco and Luna, cause i think Luna's personally works for the Blue Ring and for Draco cause his wand is strongest at healing spells and it may help him in his own character growth.
For Red Ring, Ron again for his red hot temper and Crab Jr and Goyle Jr cause they love to hurt others.
For Green Ring, Nevile, Luna, Fred and George, cause of their personalities too.
For Indigo Ring, Terry Boot, Hannah or Susan Bones, cause they need more screentime in both books and movies.
For Star Sapphire Ring, Daphne, Tracey, Blaze Zabine cause they need more screentime in the movies and in the books.
For Sinestro/Yellow Ring, Crab, Goyle, Pansy cause they love hurting others.
Anyway i hope to see what will happen to Harry and see how his relationship with Hal, Razer, Aya, Kilowog, Saint Walker, Tomar-Re grow and see who will be Harry's lover and i hope to see the Dursleys get what's coming to them for all the abuse that Harry got in their so called love-and-care too. PLEASE UPDATE VERY SOON, cause we the fans of both these two franchises can find out what happens next!
I love this idea a lot and i hope to see what will happen to Harry if he gets a Lantern Ring, i think Green Ring, Red Ring, or Blue Ring.
Green Ring for Harry and Hal to grow closer to one another and become very close friends and best friends.
Red Ring for Harry to take revenge on those that have hurt him and betrayed his trust and friendship.
And Blue Ring for Harry to leave earth and be who he wants to be.
Anyway the point of Harry having a ring is to give him the freedom to live his life his way and by his own choices.
I hope that Harry meets Kilowog, Razer, Aya, Tomar-Re, Saint Walker and other lanterns to help him grow as a person and be a better person too and maybe have some of his classmates become lanterns too to help him on his journey.
Like for Orange Ring is Ron cause of his jelousy of Harry's weilth and fame and wants his own
For Blue Ring is Draco and Luna, cause i think Luna's personally works for the Blue Ring and for Draco cause his wand is strongest at healing spells and it may help him in his own character growth.
For Red Ring, Ron again for his red hot temper and Crab Jr and Goyle Jr cause they love to hurt others.
For Green Ring, Nevile, Luna, Fred and George, cause of their personalities too.
For Indigo Ring, Terry Boot, Hannah or Susan Bones, cause they need more screentime in both books and movies.
For Star Sapphire Ring, Daphne, Tracey, Blaze Zabine cause they need more screentime in the movies and in the books.
For Sinestro/Yellow Ring, Crab, Goyle, Pansy cause they love hurting others.
Anyway i hope to see what will happen to Harry and see how his relationship with Hal, Razer, Aya, Kilowog, Saint Walker, Tomar-Re grow and see who will be Harry's lover and i hope to see the Dursleys get what's coming to them for all the abuse that Harry got in their so called love-and-care too. PLEASE UPDATE VERY SOON, cause we the fans of both these two franchises can find out what happens next!
4/16/2023 c1 Wut
What did I just ATTEMPT to read.
This was such a jumbled, broken and over complicated way to write anything at all, ever.
Far too many symbol usage. Improper quotation mark usage. Not capitalizing proper nouns, ZERO actual story or info here.
This whole "chapter" could've been summed up to Harry saying "I've had enough, I'm tired of being taken advantage of. Let's see how they like it when I'm not the Golden Boy they all want."
Who are these Narrator's and why are they destroying the "flow" of the story by talking at us instead of immersing us in a story.
No reason to come back, Good luck.
What did I just ATTEMPT to read.
This was such a jumbled, broken and over complicated way to write anything at all, ever.
Far too many symbol usage. Improper quotation mark usage. Not capitalizing proper nouns, ZERO actual story or info here.
This whole "chapter" could've been summed up to Harry saying "I've had enough, I'm tired of being taken advantage of. Let's see how they like it when I'm not the Golden Boy they all want."
Who are these Narrator's and why are they destroying the "flow" of the story by talking at us instead of immersing us in a story.
No reason to come back, Good luck.
11/10/2022 c1
Proper Nouns need to be capitalized. Harry,Altus, London...etc.
Your first chapter has this fanfic reding like a huge mystery, that when condensed is nothing more then Harry thinking back on his first year of Hogwarts.
Nothing to tell me what to expect, look forward to. No HP info or even The Lantern info.
After reading the few lines that you call a chapter leaves me wondering why I should look for an update. The first chapter should leave me (us) asking what happens next, is there more of this to read, blah blah blah.

Proper Nouns need to be capitalized. Harry,Altus, London...etc.
Your first chapter has this fanfic reding like a huge mystery, that when condensed is nothing more then Harry thinking back on his first year of Hogwarts.
Nothing to tell me what to expect, look forward to. No HP info or even The Lantern info.
After reading the few lines that you call a chapter leaves me wondering why I should look for an update. The first chapter should leave me (us) asking what happens next, is there more of this to read, blah blah blah.