1/20/2023 c2 cathn
I have to say that I really like the premise of this story. It's interesting and has a lot of potential. However, the writing is awful - especially the dialogue. I'm going to try to stick with it...
I have to say that I really like the premise of this story. It's interesting and has a lot of potential. However, the writing is awful - especially the dialogue. I'm going to try to stick with it...
12/10/2022 c5 58Starway Man
I liked the scene at the end, Cordelia insulting vamp Willow and Spike wondering what the heck is happening with two women fighting over Xander and Angel reproaching him for it.
I liked the scene at the end, Cordelia insulting vamp Willow and Spike wondering what the heck is happening with two women fighting over Xander and Angel reproaching him for it.
11/5/2022 c4 Starway Man
I liked that line about Spike being angry about Angel describing him as a failed poet, and the following Barry Manilow. The exposition was a bit much in some places, maybe, but overall this was an enjoyable read - I liked the tougher, more world-weary Cordelia and Xander of the alternate universe. More soon!
I liked that line about Spike being angry about Angel describing him as a failed poet, and the following Barry Manilow. The exposition was a bit much in some places, maybe, but overall this was an enjoyable read - I liked the tougher, more world-weary Cordelia and Xander of the alternate universe. More soon!
10/28/2022 c3 58Starway Man
Nice stuff with Wes shooting at that Humvee in the alternate universe, I liked that scene. And the one at the end with the AU Xander and Cordelia talking and eyeing the new arrivals with "suspicion, dislike and weariness", that was good too.
Nice stuff with Wes shooting at that Humvee in the alternate universe, I liked that scene. And the one at the end with the AU Xander and Cordelia talking and eyeing the new arrivals with "suspicion, dislike and weariness", that was good too.
10/28/2022 c2 Starway Man
This story has an interesting premise...I was surprised to see Cordelia show up in the final scene, and I liked Wesley's Terminator-esque quote of "Get in you four if you want to live", that was definitely worth a giggle.
This story has an interesting premise...I was surprised to see Cordelia show up in the final scene, and I liked Wesley's Terminator-esque quote of "Get in you four if you want to live", that was definitely worth a giggle.