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for Capital Crimes

12/14/2022 c2 Candylou
Good thing Joe remembered some things, with his issues about flying, he did pretty good. Though, I think he is going to have a bigger issue with frank not being there. Also, I hope frank gets better with his issues. This mystery is going to be hard on both Joe and frank. Update as soon as you can
12/15/2022 c2 8ErinJordan
please update soon Nice Chapter
12/15/2022 c2 ErinJordan
Nice chapter please update soon thanks
12/14/2022 c2 max2013
Joe, feeling out of your element?! Glad y'all are better.
12/14/2022 c2 MargaretA66
Looking forward to more.
11/3/2022 c1 Xenitha
WooHOO! Another story! It'll be fun watching Joe try to be Frank.
11/3/2022 c1 Guest
Ah Leya I've missed ur writings! Loving the story so far. Why u so stubborn, Frank? Gotta take care better care of urself.
And poor Joe not being the numbers person. I feel ya, Joe.
And the Emily Dickinson reference at the end! Love it all.

11/2/2022 c1 Candylou
Frank is definitely sick, but I think he is going to contribute more to his case than he thinks. Hopefully, joe can help biff figure out what is going on.. sure Chet will have a role also. Update as soon as you can.
11/3/2022 c1 Tozfeekom
Leya u were sorely missed! I'm super excited for this new story.
Frank has got to take better care of himself. Stubborn to the end our Frank. And I feel ya Joe. Numbers aren't my thing either.

P.S. I used to post as hlahabibty but I lost the log in info.
11/3/2022 c1 MargaretA66
Good Start. Glad to have you back. I will still read even though you are slow to update since I like your writing so much:).
11/3/2022 c1 16Jilsen
This is a fast return! So happy to see a new story from you. Looks like Joe will be traveling. That's always fun. I like seeing Chet working for the brothers. He's such a great character in your very capable hands. I'm not as familiar with Biff so I'm looking forward to getting to know him - at least, your version of him.

Monthly updates? Oh poor us, but I can't complain. My posting was never quick either. Nice to see that I am like you, I prefer to post as I write. For some reason, knowing that people are waiting on me gives me the incentive to write and finish a story otherwise it just sits on my computer.
11/2/2022 c1 BMSH
OMG - fan girl squeal! And tomorrow's my birthday. Which makes up for the Phillies getting shellacked. Really, I'm just so thrilled you are back with a new story. Looks great. Bring on the Joe!
11/2/2022 c1 max2013
Happy dance for your quick return-Joe is underestimated a lot so not worried that he can solve this. Once a month updates-oh the pain, the pain!
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