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for The Warlocks and the Werewolf Knights: the Curse of the Werewolf King

1/11 c8 Gingeraffealene
Very fun update! Just chock full of reveals and surprises. You could just feel Merlin’s state of weird disbelief when he realized he wasn’t having to do this all alone. XD
Whack ‘im, Clarion! Whack ‘im good, boy!
10/12/2024 c7 33Gingeraffealene
Whew! What an adventure! The queen is a nasty piece of work. Poor Ettare!
Gotta say though, looking after and entertaining rambunctious children sounds a lot more exhausting than the job of polishing armor or cleaning the King’s chambers. XD
9/24/2024 c1 Vanessa Seraphine
Hello! I hope I'm not causing any trouble. I read your story The Warlocks and the Werewolf Knights: the Curse of the Werewolf King and genuinely liked it. I've been thinking about adapting your story into my comic style and would be thrilled to do so. I believe you'll be pleased with the results, and perhaps you might consider sharing it. I'm a skilled digital artist available for commissions. I create various types of artwork and currently have open commission slots. I pride myself on being pocket-friendly and always delivering high quality work. If you're interested, we can discuss further on Discord. My discord username is losserishere
9/16/2024 c6 Gingeraffealene
Thanks for a great update! This is all very interesting. Like Merlin, I am also taking an immediate shine to little Prince Clarion. Queen Accolon will have cause to rue the compact with Morgana. Ruination always follows the witch.
You’ve brought together quite an amazing cast of characters. I can’t wait to see what you do with them!
11/10/2022 c3 Gingeraffealene
Gadiena fits right in. It’s like she’s been there as long as Merlin has. The mindspeak thing is handy.
11/9/2022 c2 Gingeraffealene
Generally I don’t care much for werewolf stories but yours feels different. Glad to see Merlin sticking up for himself a bit. The guys really need to revisit their attitude and treatment of him, recognize faults and make changes. Looking forward to more!

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