Just In
for best laid plan's - after dark

3/14 c3 2Odie-San
Damn, Lowten. That was hot as Hell ! Your main story and this more adult line are so well done! Keep up the great work, Sir!
2/22 c2 Odie-San
Beautifully done and wonderfully steamy, without being vulgar or shutting. Loved it!
1/3 c1 4iacopo.passerini
Bene bene ottimo lavoro!
7/21/2023 c1 2Odie-San
THANK YOU Lowten! This is the o e single thing that the main-line story was missing. You've done a superb job in conveying the love, tenderness and amazing hotness of our girls. Can't wait to read about Jharry and one (or both) of them!
Keep it coming!
4/27/2023 c1 Cateagle
Hot! 'Tis an excellent illustration of their relationship deepening.
11/15/2022 c1 happy666
excellent work just aa great as the main fic

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