Just In
for Not Wonder Woman 1

3/10/2023 c1 cgrama625
Wonderful beginning! I will absolutely read it. Thanks
11/20/2022 c1 51txbabefan
Fun set up for a story! I could definitely see Steph getting bored on surveillance and coming up with this. Congrats on posting your first story.
11/16/2022 c1 AZBarb
A cute, short story. Batman to the rescue again.
11/18/2022 c1 1jules3677
Blog, blog, bloggy, bloggy ... oops, wrong fandom :)

Your 2nd paragraph is smirk worthy ('Hollywood lied'. No tell me it ain't so!). Doing well, looking forward to further updates. Thankyou.
11/16/2022 c1 Guest
11/16/2022 c1 Guest
Ranger to the rescue. Again. Thank goodness.
11/17/2022 c1 5guatedina
I loved that he saved her.
11/17/2022 c1 Redickave
Great first story. Hopefully, you will provide us with another.
11/17/2022 c1 24Harmne
11/16/2022 c1 8hummer246
I could totally hear Elyse saying all that! Great Job!
11/16/2022 c1 Caren47
That was great job for your first fan fiction!
11/16/2022 c1 2trhodes9
Well, good start. Looking forward to see where you're going with this.
11/16/2022 c1 6HEAdreamer
Good start, keep going
11/16/2022 c1 shoegirl01
Can’t wait to read the next chapters- well done!
11/16/2022 c1 Shirley5591
Cute start! I hope you add more :) Thank you for sharing
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