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for Daily Life of A Caretaker

12/11/2022 c17 akasuna123
Waiting for a day seems like forever
12/11/2022 c17 Ruberforumfree
Eh meh, the whole him being ok with being used as a toy kinda piss me off.
12/10/2022 c16 Trevion1 Brownlee
I love this chapter in this series is amazing please keep up the good work and for the guy who commented earlier he is more a butler material But she also wants him to be completely hers in the mind and body no deviation at all which is why she was irritated when he helped the three girls and also when he looked at them in a sexual way
12/10/2022 c16 Ruberforumfree
Very nice, I’m a little confused on how Nyarla see the MC, like a dude doing his job or as a boyfriend/husband material?
12/9/2022 c14 Trevion1 Brownlee
An amazing chapter also no one is going to help him
12/9/2022 c15 akasuna123
I love the story. The crazy voices thing is a little weird, and it would be better if it would be removed honestly
12/8/2022 c14 Laplase
This is not what I expected but, it is welcome and there are much worse ways of Eldritch beings to show their "displeasure" than Excessive Snu Snu. Now this leaves me with a question though is it always OG Nyarla in charge or is her Alternate ego just pretending most of the time?
Heh, well everyone knows that Eldritch Gods Love Hard, I just hope that she lets him get OP enough to take it.
12/8/2022 c14 calderoneric758
...Holy shit this escalated way to fast so we have seen normal worlds and worm... whats next
12/8/2022 c14 Johnthekind
Not sure whether to feel sorry for him or not
12/8/2022 c2 WildFreedom
When writing small numbers spell them out. So instead of writing "5 potions" do "five potions". I mean there are exceptions but that's generally how you should do it.
12/7/2022 c13 im not enirely sure he
Soon your Blue Balls will evolve into Purple Balls...
12/7/2022 c13 TetSuoRai
My dude is playing NNN for his life
12/7/2022 c13 Ruberforumfree
So, Nyarla is actively trying to seduce the MC
12/7/2022 c13 Han-Daewi
Damn xd
12/7/2022 c13 1IHaveNoNamingSense
Hmm... maybe She is possessive because you are her first friend?.
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