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for Daily Life of A Caretaker

9/9/2023 c76 ThunderBasilisk
Whelp Ruby is a true gacha addict now.
9/2/2023 c75 vparadox12122000
Awesome work on the chapter dude.

Missed opportunity with not putting in something like "you'll have one hell of a time" or something similar.

All in all nice work dude.
9/2/2023 c75 ThunderBasilisk
Kek he just got a speedrun training manual.
8/26/2023 c72 Ruberforumfree
Why not pile all the bodies and sacrifice them all at once? They are gonna get something worth if they are all together
8/26/2023 c71 Ruberforumfree
I’m liking the direction you toke the story
8/26/2023 c74 ThunderBasilisk
Wow its understandable but damn Weiss has no stamina. And kek Ruby is getting bad gacha draws after her amazing luck.
8/24/2023 c7 Booklovinkitten
so she is like Yugi, mokaect but with only alt her remembering.
8/20/2023 c3 13IsekaIBoi
for some reason... a certain martial artist with a demon back called ogre comes to mind...
8/19/2023 c73 1Makluan overlord
damn kinda hoping for blake to join but it looks like she bout to become and elder gods toy
8/12/2023 c72 ThunderBasilisk
Kek Rubys becoming a gacha addict. And damn peiple in this Remnant are dumb. Kinda curious on what happened to Salem.
8/7/2023 c71 kirito emiya
8/5/2023 c71 Raging Drake
You will fall eventually jin, it’s only a matter of time
8/5/2023 c71 ThunderBasilisk
Damn sucks that he cant bring Willow and Winter back. At least with him their not under the tender mercies of a unknown Elderitch.
8/5/2023 c71 dkainallen
can't be a lolicon with ruby having a body like this
7/31/2023 c61 Ruberforumfree
Shouko is the best girl not gonna lie, I would love to see a Fanfiction with a Mc centered in her world
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