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for Daily Life of A Caretaker

4/29/2023 c57 ThunderBasilisk
That was an oddly specific guess at who the transmigrator was.
4/29/2023 c57 1mikatamo
Well to be fair, with how most of us know about the Eastern pantheon which AKA young master is not strange that everyone besides themself is hated them though, then again even themself is hated themself too, for the most part anyway
4/22/2023 c56 ThunderBasilisk
Kek. Did he really just kill an isekaier? Thats funny as hell.
4/15/2023 c55 oscarojeda62
consejo, el proximo truco tiene que darle al mc el poder de mejorar su mente, mi sugerencia es que lea la herencia de mega alakasan, para mejorar su capacidad cerebral y tener super psiquico, y que uno de los articulos divinos sea el nucleo herrscher del fin, ya que ganara todos los poderes de todos los herrscher y dar un fin absoluto a todo
4/8/2023 c54 ThunderBasilisk
He seriously needed this break by doing nothing but read a good book.
4/8/2023 c54 Ruberforumfree
The Mc is only living inside the house and taking care of the girls what’s even the point of world hopping when he doesn’t go on any adventure or meet any girl from the cast or interfere in any way with the plot?
4/1/2023 c1 erozoth
I gave it a shot, it was good, but per process checking the author other works... so many book 1 in "series", none even close to complete. I'll pass.
3/25/2023 c52 Laplase
I would like an interlude with the girls giving their current feelings and thoughts about Jin. Because it's confusing in that half or most of the time I can't tell if they see him in a romantic light or as just a toy to keep around until it breaks or goes insane and they break it. Naryla for example does she love him or is he like the newest t-shirt that she doesn't want to lend to her sisters and mother?
3/18/2023 c17 dkainallen
yup I'm. official disappointed in the mc not being narlas first fu. ck
3/18/2023 c14 dkainallen
we need details of the lemon
3/18/2023 c9 dkainallen
the harem must be grown
3/18/2023 c51 TetSuoRai
Oh my... I have a feeling that the other 3 Horsemen(Horsewomen?) are going to join Jin's care soon
3/5/2023 c1 1Tachibana Kabuki
Replace the MC, clone the MC to replace the dead MC. Use “Perfect Timing” to the absolute degree. Or contact the Boss
2/25/2023 c48 talltree3
Just enjoy the ride Jin worst things worst you will simply experience eternal pain to the point of complete annihilation yet be unable to ease your suffering with the relief of the void

not so bad right
2/18/2023 c47 talltree3
Wow he's gone full berserker that's awesome Im happy he's getting to process his emotions in a way that wouldn't get him erased from existence by Eldritch entities also what does he look like to himself in the eye of Odin because he is an Eldritch deity right (he has the heart and is part of the pantheon) or is he literally the Eldritch god of serving
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