Just In
for Christmas Ink

8/28 c14 J140
I‘m nauseous that E and B went along with the scheming prick. I think Rose wouldn‘t like being lied to and even less so at the cost of B‘s happiness.
1/4 c10 PreciousJuls
You go Edward. Kick his ass!
1/4 c9 PreciousJuls
Dick tatt definitely a win!
1/4 c7 PreciousJuls
You write a really strong confident Bella. I really like it. ;)
1/4 c4 PreciousJuls
Damn I love your Edward. Everyone of them. You killed me with Endless Summer/Cold Winter. I just want to fucking hug him. Clingy, yes but it's EAC so hell yes!
12/31/2023 c16 ffictionreader01
Come on Bella, just tell the truth and get rid of Jake.
12/27/2023 c16 Angelmagnet
Enough is enough. And who are the people that enjoy this kind of upset in story.
12/13/2023 c27 Star White
Tears galore. beautiful story.
10/11/2023 c27 Iersseltje
Lovely story. Sad that Rose died though. Thank younfor sharing.
9/14/2023 c27 Rose1816
Im crying! Loved this story… hate that Rose dies but great ending!
8/18/2023 c27 BethMasenCullen
This story was perfect and beautiful from start to finish!
8/18/2023 c25 BethMasenCullen
They are beyond adorable!
8/18/2023 c23 BethMasenCullen
So beautiful!
8/18/2023 c22 BethMasenCullen
this whole family is amazing...
8/18/2023 c20 BethMasenCullen
I love how easily the kids accepted Edward!
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