Just In
for A Far Cry From Normal

1/4/2023 c3 TimThePikey
I'm really enjoying this story so far, can't wait to see more in the future.
12/28/2022 c3 1unseenw0lf
that last line in chapter 3 gave me chills. was wondering why blood god wasn't getting update. glad I checked your profile. looking forward to seeing where you take this.
12/26/2022 c3 Goldiman543
Pretty happy to see something like this.
12/23/2022 c3 iikd
Oh forgot to mention, I wonder how you will Davy get his iconic Sandy, now that his mom might survive and he is less stressed out to make that big decision, plus JBs guidance (i'm seeing a mentor/student dynamic appearing) might not push him to the edge. Or if you plan alternatively, maybe Jason can somehow, someway give the Tatau to David instead of the cybernetic implants in canon as a way to survive to NC, but that kind of also would cost your sanity (practice makes perfect right? so advancing the tatau would probably mean going on a killing spree), if i remember right, just like cybernetics would. I can't wait to see what you come up with next
12/23/2022 c3 iikd
good stuff, kinda corny for jason to say his lines but fuck it. keep up the good work. oh and maybe he couldve said it after dodging the bat or blocking it or smthng, cuz now he said it mid swing. anyways, ill be waitin for the next chapter.
12/23/2022 c2 iikd
oh shit, its the far cry jason. this gonna be good
12/23/2022 c3 1hellfire45
Good chapter and I can’t wait to see what happens next
12/21/2022 c3 AzrelRazgriz
Jason quoting Vaas just sent a shiver down my spine while, at the same time, giving me goose bumps and setting my blood on fire!
This is really good chapter and you have used it in great way to both set the stage for the start of the 'real' story and, at the same time, have the main characters (Jason,V and David) keep meeting, creating deeper connections with each other while unknowningly keep altering their's and the others' own fate. Thank you and keep them coming!
By the way, what is Jason's Cyberpunk Build? If we consider Jason to have 'completed' his Tatau and have therefore 'mastered' the way of The Heron (Long-range Takedowns and Mobility), The Shark (Assault Takedowns and Healing) and The Spider (Stealth Takedowns and Survival) my personal opinion of how his 'build' would look like is:
- Body 20 or even 21 with max out Athletics, Annihilation and Street Brawler Skills.
- Reflex 20 or even 21 with max out Blades, Handguns and Assault Skills.
- Cool definitely 21 or even 22 with max out Ninjitsu and Cold Blood Skills (if not Jason, who?).
- Intelligence fairly high at 6 or 7 but with 0 points in both Breach Protocol and Quickhacking (Jason isn't stupid but have practically no knowledge about hacking).
- Technical Ability 6 or 7 with basic knowledge in Crafting and Engineering (Rare level rarity) from making Weapon Holsters, Wallets, Loot Rucksacks, Syringe Kits, Ammo Pouches, Throwable Packs, Munitions Pouches (for Mines and C4 Explosives), Flamethrower Fuel Slings, Rocket Packs, Arrow Quivers, the various Syringes he made with Rook Island's Plants and all the experience he gained by fixing all Land and Water Vehicles on the island with his Repair Tool/s.
Speaking of Syringes and Plants i would really like it if Jason have a small reserve of Seeds from Rook Island's Plants so that he can set up a small indoor garden to grow said plants and thus gain a continuos even if slow supply of ingredients for his special syringe cocktails.
In fact, while i approve of Jason getting some basic implants like the Kiroshi Optics and the Shard Port at the back of his neck i would like for him to limit himself (for the moment) to minor and/or supportive implants like a Cyberdeck, a Recoil Compensator (Hand Implant) and a Smart Link that expand his capabilities without exchanging his flesh for chrome. What i would really like is for Jason to school David, V, Jackie and anyone else on the true potential of the human body and what an expert can do with it.
12/21/2022 c3 RoyalTwinFangs
Nice story here.
12/20/2022 c3 PhobosNyx
Damn nice, hope you continue this
12/20/2022 c3 FlamePay
An exciting and entertaining chapter as always. I had already figured out who the tattooed man was from the first chapter, I have no idea how he's still alive but I guess he was cryogenically frozen or something. I also hope that Gloria survives, frankly I think that her death is what determines the actions that David took in the series, but the fact that she survives, and that it was thanks to him receiving help from V and Jackie, well, I think it will impact the boy's life the same as his way of thinking in a more positive way, or at least I think so. Anyway, excellent chapter I hope to read the next one soon.
12/20/2022 c3 Kilpix
Thanks for chapter :)
12/20/2022 c3 Gwynx
OoooH, fucking nice work, I love this.
12/20/2022 c3 Guest
Dude! I liked this chapter a lot, the truth is that I must say that this story is an unusual but very interesting crossover Far cry x Cyberpunk I must say that the story is very good I liked that at the end Jason said the phrase Vass star "Did I ever tell you What is the definition of insanity?
12/20/2022 c3 Sinabaetor
Thank you for the Good Chapter. I do wonder if David will get any chrome, but I guess that'll be answered in later chapters. Have a good day or night
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