Just In
for The Pixie of the Hidden Leaf

11h c33 9Sargon Dorsai
Thank you for the chapter. It was nice seeing everyone interacting and working on their abilities.

I can't remember if Naruto knows about the clone feedback yet on this fic.
1/23 c33 angelaramirez211q
El anhelado capítulo, gracias escritor espero con ansias próximos capitulos de esta historia.
1/20 c33 Deuslovult
Thanks for the Thanks for the chapter! Looking forward to seeing what will happen with Naruto and this new version of Sakura.
1/22 c26 1DeOPOrange
Rough chapter for Ino, honestly Sakura might be my favorite character in this story so far and I dont even really like her character in canon Naruto so you're doing a really good job writing her. And I'm glad you're addressing it already because Being X can really ruin a story if written badly.
1/22 c16 DeOPOrange
I really do love your characterization of Sakura, the character development is amazing.
1/22 c9 DeOPOrange
Rereading with the new chapter being out, this story is a banger
1/22 c33 PasiveNox
Great chapter wonderful
1/21 c1 joeyevans810
The dialogue between Iruka and Tanya is engaging and reflects their contrasting personalities effectively. Tanya's cold pragmatism and prodigious background are well-portrayed creating a strong dynamic with Iruka's more compassionate demeanor. The pacing is good but the exposition about Tanya's achievements might be condensed slightly to maintain flow. Additionally Tanya's logical reasoning and quick wit are standout elements though her critical tone toward Naruto might benefit from a touch of nuance to balance her perspective. Overall the story does a great job establishing character relationships and intriguing dynamics.
1/21 c33 4EricFreak
It's been awhile. Glad to see a new chapter. It was fun, I wonder what Tanya and the hokage got up to? Thanks.
1/21 c26 JustAngry
Any fucking time i find an awesome story like this, it always happens to have a massive turnoff for me. And yes this time it is including this being x stuff that came out of fucking nowhere, unless the setup pieces for this specific sequence of events are in a future chapters flashback part or something. Still for me personally it took the story from its S rank to like B, still good but yeah.
1/21 c33 1Nai Darkor
I love the better relationships this Sasuke has with his teammates.
1/21 c33 1DeOPOrange
Glad to see you back, another solid chapter as usual if a bit lacking in action. Hopefully the muse cooperates for the next chapters
1/21 c33 1Ultimatrix bearer
Naruto and Karin just so wholesome. I wonder what epiphany Sasuke just is had... Betting it's sealing gaara's chakra.


1/21 c9 JustAngry
This was sort of dissatisfying (but not really), literally had a awesome fight and then whole thing was just left unresolved. I was really hoping Tanya would take Gato for everything, and i am salty that we were denied that. I mean her concocting some really fucking convoluted explanation was really Tanya, but man, it was a downer. At least this was pretty original take on wave arc, like i don't actually remember anyone in any fic just going "fuck this shit, we going home" and then just scrapping the mission. 9/10
1/21 c33 Dieusaucisson
This chapter is so sweet and the interactions between the characters are very touching.
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