Just In
for Devensian

2/15 c38 LSU15
I need more! This is so good. Thank you
2/12 c38 PreciousJuls
Thank you for this amazing story. Im so sad I'm all caught up. Cant wait for the 3rd out take. I'm sure its going to be so sad too.
2/12 c37 PreciousJuls
Yay! I'm dancing in my seat! I'm soooo happy there will be a sequel. We need more Ewar. Definitely less Essa. That bitch had her nerve touching Ewar and offering her support. Bella is a godessand a certified bad ass.
2/12 c16 LSU15
I love this. Bella’s snark keeps me laughing every chapter
2/10 c36 PreciousJuls
Oh I'm so happy their together. I would love to see them in the 21 century but ultimately, i want them to go back. Thats where they belong.
2/9 c25 PreciousJuls
I will make sure not do the Hoke Poke anytime soon! Lol. I hope some how that dang IUD falls out some how. They deserve a little Ewar or Bella too.
2/9 c24 PreciousJuls
Finally they talk. I hope she really does stay. Ewar would be devastated if she didn't
2/8 c22 PreciousJuls
These two! Always misinterpreting each other's actions. Smh.
2/8 c21 PreciousJuls
Lol. Your hilarious. Yes we are totally excited that Bella and Ewar did the hokey pokey. Which was genius of you by the way!

Can wait to see them do the horizontal mambo.
2/7 c19 PreciousJuls
I love this slow burn. The mud fight (hilarious) was needed after the sad event with Ichel.
2/6 c15 PreciousJuls
Poor Ewar. Did he really think she wanted to be with Akob. Yuk.
2/6 c11 PreciousJuls
I adore this story. Just had go tell you. There are parts that crack me up!
2/4 c38 la-geologia
This is so great! I'm beyond excited to see what happens next!
2/2 c38 debb lavoie
Great ending...
1/29 c37 WordsMusicMagic
Yay! Super happy there is a sequel in the works. I just really hope you get them back where they belong.
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