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for Devensian

10/4/2024 c35 frostedglaze
Nooo! Oh wait, Bella lives in the present, so she can take money from Eleazar and get scuba gear... unless did Edward's tribe pass down word of mouth stories until modern day descendants were ready and helped Bella? She would have drowned if she was unconscious and in a lake.

OK, so she has time, to go buy botanical picture books, a survivalist quide and a bow and arrows...and maybe some throwing knives as well.

Of course she also has to frame Eleazar and the board for her murder. Those douches deserve it.
10/4/2024 c36 sas
SEQUEL PLEASE! thanks either way
10/4/2024 c36 Emmanddogs
Omg SEQUEL! (and why don't we have both)
10/4/2024 c36 Erin Faracca
As i was reading, i immediately was ready to vote for epilogue, and then you threw out a possibility for even more Bella/Ewar in a SEQUEL?

1 vote for SEQUEL!
10/4/2024 c36 ttan
Great story, I hope you continue it with a sequel. Thank you for sharing.
10/4/2024 c36 IsabellaSwan6
I've followed and loved this story from the start.
So I would love to read more.
10/4/2024 c36 AnakinSmom
Sequel, sequel, many times can I vote?
10/4/2024 c36 Vanilla19
Sequel please. Thanks for writing
10/4/2024 c36 Reinbeau
Sequel, sequel, sequel! Love this couple. We got to see how Bella acclimated to the past, would love to see how Ewar acclimates to the present.
10/4/2024 c36 Guest
Sequel.. it has to be a sequel!
10/4/2024 c36 1earthsista
Most definitely a sequel! Yes please! *pray hands* Amazing! xxx
10/4/2024 c36 1Kolored
Oooh how wonderful! I vote for a sequel!
10/4/2024 c36 edwards-debussy
I vote sequel! And thank you for this fab story!
10/4/2024 c36 fuz
This calls for a sequel!
How Ewar learns the modern life...
I loved your story.
Thank you.
10/4/2024 c36 busyreading
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