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for Devensian

1/18 c38 Guest
Amazing chapter! So excited to see how edward copes in bellas time
1/18 c38 lillianolivia.white
I love this! This is going to be quite the experience for Edwar. Great chapter.
1/18 c38 30Rebadams7
What a brave man
to step into the unknown
on the promise of another
Greater love hath no man...
1/18 c38 Vamps09
Loved it!
1/18 c38 AnakinSmom
Certainly the journey of a lifetime for far.
1/18 c38 Solkatt69
Looking forward to see how Ewar managed to survive and stay hidden in the modern world, and also his reunion with Bella. As always, this outtake was awsome!
1/18 c38 ruthiegurly
Wow! To see it from ewar perspective i love ot! Poor bella didnt know he was there with jer the whole time! I can’t wait for the next part! And the sequel! You’re amazing!
1/18 c38 mysticfighter111
Ewar is in for a shock and not just from time-travelling.
1/17 c38 jtullis721
Wonderful! Thank you for continuing.
1/17 c38 cctwilight
It's a good thing Ewar was the one to take Bella back since the area was underwater when they returned to Bella's time. He was the only one that could get her to dry land. He would have went crazy without her.
1/17 c38 jaspee
Can't wait for the sequel.
1/17 c38 biblepam
1/17 c38 Orchids and Lilies
Loved it! Looking forward to the next outtake and sequels. I hope Bella and Edward can return back to the past somehow.
1/17 c38 Goldielover
Thanks for the update. Thought it would probably be Arl to take over again. Unfortunately for him, it looks like it might be for considerably longer than he thought it would be, but hopefully Ehmay, Mett and Alastair make it back safely. Poor Ewar is in for a shock when he arrives, though. I suspect he will be watching modern day people even although they won't see him. And the first plane flying overhead will probably terrify him.
1/17 c38 Romana973
Thanks for the bonus chapter!
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