Just In
for Devensian

12/10/2024 c37 woosh48
Can’t wait to read the sequel! Essa is so out of line!
12/10/2024 c37 lillianolivia.white
OMG, THank you, thank you , Thank you! I felt like their adventures were beginning again, and it needed a sequel. I am loving Ewar’s POV, and I cant wait for the Sequel. This is an epic story!
12/10/2024 c37 Rita01tx
Thanks for Ewar's POV of the battle and Essa just never changes, does she!? Can't wait for more, especially his journey into the future to be with Bella!
12/10/2024 c37 15Cullen Cousin
good chapter
12/10/2024 c37 19FireRed21
That was intense to relive the battle scene. I almost believed Essa had a change of heart for Bella until that last partLets see what hope Alistair has giving Edwar
12/10/2024 c37 mysticfighter111
It is good to know that you are feeling netter. Thank you for the outtake. I look forward to learn how Edward prepared for time-travelling.
12/10/2024 c37 AnakinSmom
I think we all know what Alister's plan is for Bella.
12/10/2024 c17 dearedwardc
oh you weren’t kidding when you said this would be a slow, slow burn. I’m dying here!
12/10/2024 c37 biblepam
Thanks for posting. Sad update.
12/10/2024 c16 dearedwardc
had the best time of my life reading the fake ritual scene. I don’t think I ever laughed that much reading a fanfiction. Bella (and Alistair) is a genius lol
12/10/2024 c37 LaurelLeafSinger
So happy to see Ewar’s POV chapter up! Thank you! Ugh, that Essa. I’d want to strangle her, too. LOL Dear ordinary Bella (well she thinks she’s ordinary) is becoming more of a legend. Yet, she really did turn the tide of the battle with her archery skills. Poor Ewar. He will be undertaking an adventure not for the faint of heart, all to save Bella, his beloved wife and Damara’s assistant.

Hope you feel better!
12/10/2024 c37 Juxtaposition001
Oh Ewar! Poor baby angel :,(

I can’t wait for more EPOV though! And I'm so happy there's going to be a sequel too. It'll be interesting to see how Ewar adjusts to the cruelty of the modern world. Hopefully they can have a child and make it back home though! *fingers crossed*

Thank you so much for this story btw. It's the only FF I'm reading/waiting on pins and needles for updates. You're really talented, and should consider publishing when you've finished xoxo
12/10/2024 c14 dearedwardc
was Edward teasing her? lol i love him
12/9/2024 c37 Rosemarie28
12/9/2024 c37 MusetteBlanchard
It breaks my heart seeing Ewar like this !
Thank you for keep on writing in spite of your health problems, I fervently hope you are feeling better by now.

Oh I meant to tell you I was watching the History channel last week and they were showing England and its countryside and guess what came out ? The Lake District !
I was surprised, it's the second time that I have the chance of seeing n RL a place I've never heard before until I read a fanfiction.
The first time was a small city called St Helen in Georgia, USA, where the author "thatwritr" placed her amazing story called "In the blink of an eye".
And now Devensian, wow !
I'm praying for your recovery so you can have your normal life back on track ... and you feel well enough to tell this beautiful tale. I'd consider it a Xmas gift !
Thank you again, welcome back.
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