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for Devensian

3/7/2023 c5 Guest
What a wonderful and interesting story! I am loving this! Please post more chapters soon if you can. I can’t wait to read more! Love this type of story…especially set in the past! Thank you!
3/7/2023 c5 bukajade
The finger flicking off made up for the a little bit of a wait on update. Every time I laughed my ass off. It was perfect with the language barrier. I Watched a movie once, don't remember the name of it but a little kid thought it was used to say hello.
3/7/2023 c5 6Cheerra12
This is such a great chapter! I hope we get the next one sooner lol
3/7/2023 c5 cbmorefie
3/7/2023 c5 Rita01tx
Poor Bella's sure makin' a lot of enemies, startin' with Essa, Mistress of Trips, to Snake-Eyes who either wants to kill her or bone's a toss-up LOL!
(BTW: In Dutch, an eikel - pronounced eye-kul - is an acorn...or the tip of a man's penis and is more commonly used to curse someone who is totally bein' a dick LOL!)
3/7/2023 c5 Greeneyedmom
Please try to update sooner, I'm not complaining I am really enjoying this story.
3/7/2023 c5 sherylb
I’m worried about Snake-Eyes!
3/7/2023 c5 19FireRed21
Hey, you and I are in the same boat with our lives. lol

Okay, Carlisle and Esme, I nearly bleached my eyes for what they were doing so thanks for that. 0_0 X_X hahah

And now I'm laughing how everyone is flipping off as a greeting LMFAO

And oh boy I'm scared and curious to know who is Snake-Eyes.

Great work! :)
3/7/2023 c5 AnakinSmom
I think she just made an enemy or possibly a suitor for her hand.
3/7/2023 c1 Guest
Devensian? Do you mean Denisovan? You know the people found in the cave Russia? Or is this some new group your making up for your story?

- Curious Archaeology Enthusiast
2/1/2023 c4 Cullenosopy
A pretty snarky and ungrateful Bella if you ask me. She should be thankful this Clan of the Bat Guano isn't roasting her on a spit. Indians used acorns for sustenance, apparently Bella doesn't consider it worthy of a goddess. Today's youth, spoiled through and through.

Thank you!
1/22/2023 c4 SCLEC
I'm enjoying this story! Can't wait to read the next one!
1/21/2023 c4 EllBeef
Loving this! Can’t wait to read more
1/19/2023 c4 Amanda Pall
Great Chapter. Love figuring out who’s who.
1/19/2023 c4 BridieM
One of my favourite all time TV shows was the original Time Team. They often found Bronze Age round houses etc. But, this Stone Age plot has me riveted. Thank you for sharing
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