1/4/2023 c3 Tiskit
I’ll happily take some worshipping from Ewar! I keep wondering what he’s thinking, but I know we’ll have to wait and see. I’ll be looking forward to the next chapter, whenever that may be! :)
I’ll happily take some worshipping from Ewar! I keep wondering what he’s thinking, but I know we’ll have to wait and see. I’ll be looking forward to the next chapter, whenever that may be! :)
12/28/2022 c2 Cullenosopy
What? No cave-speak translations? Just a Tarzan impersonation? (head shaking) Okay. It is your story after all. I hope Caveward doesn't have an occipital bun, that would make him a Neanderthal, and something tells me that Bella isn't into man buns of any kind. At least I hope not. I hadn't check your site in a while and to my happy surprise, you have already posted two chapters! Yay!
I hope you are having a fun and safe holiday season!
Thank you!
What? No cave-speak translations? Just a Tarzan impersonation? (head shaking) Okay. It is your story after all. I hope Caveward doesn't have an occipital bun, that would make him a Neanderthal, and something tells me that Bella isn't into man buns of any kind. At least I hope not. I hadn't check your site in a while and to my happy surprise, you have already posted two chapters! Yay!
I hope you are having a fun and safe holiday season!
Thank you!
12/27/2022 c2 Guest
Love the new story so far! The last line was a little cringy but I cant wait to see where you go with this
Love the new story so far! The last line was a little cringy but I cant wait to see where you go with this
12/27/2022 c2 gorgo67
I really loved this chapter! This is going to be some wild ride in the past with Caveward, isn't it. Thanks! :)
I really loved this chapter! This is going to be some wild ride in the past with Caveward, isn't it. Thanks! :)
12/27/2022 c2 traceybuie
Bella is shook. But I would be too. The chair is splinters now. So no going back for Bella.
Are we going to get a caveman POV? I would love to know what he was thinking and saying? ;)
Thanks for writing and sharing.
Bella is shook. But I would be too. The chair is splinters now. So no going back for Bella.
Are we going to get a caveman POV? I would love to know what he was thinking and saying? ;)
Thanks for writing and sharing.
12/27/2022 c2 BridieM
Reading this chapter is the most fun I’ve had in ages. I just didn’t want it to end,p. Thank you for writing. I hope you have a happy new year.
Reading this chapter is the most fun I’ve had in ages. I just didn’t want it to end,p. Thank you for writing. I hope you have a happy new year.
12/26/2022 c2 Rita01tx
Clearly, there's no goin' back now that an extinct animal has smashed Bella's magic chair to smithereens LOL! Good thing the cave dude was close enough to save her from the beast...well, with the help of her phone alarm LOL! Can't wait to see them work out a method of communication!
Clearly, there's no goin' back now that an extinct animal has smashed Bella's magic chair to smithereens LOL! Good thing the cave dude was close enough to save her from the beast...well, with the help of her phone alarm LOL! Can't wait to see them work out a method of communication!
12/26/2022 c2 Tiskit
Hmm… Me love this. EPOV soon? Me impatient for new chapter. Grateful for update! (The caveman language is harder than I thought!) :)
Hmm… Me love this. EPOV soon? Me impatient for new chapter. Grateful for update! (The caveman language is harder than I thought!) :)