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for Devensian

12/20/2022 c1 2Sunflower Fran
Yes, I read the summary and I think her life may take a turn for the better ...
12/20/2022 c1 MusetteBlanchard
Good morning Miss F2p,
You got me curious ...
During your preparation did you came across Transcendence by Savage7289 ? The same premise, though with a tad sad end.
12/20/2022 c1 traceybuie
Almost everything about and everyone in Bella's life completely sucks. Shelly the receptionist seemed nice, but that was the only nice part. I have a feeling Bella should have done more research into that time period that she thinks so negatively about. LOL Thanks for writing and sharing.
12/19/2022 c1 10TwilightObsessed522
I'm hooked already and looking forward to the next chapter. :)
12/19/2022 c1 acw1
12/19/2022 c1 mysticfighter111
Gives us an idea what might have happened to Alistair.
12/19/2022 c1 gorgo67
Sooo intriguing! Can't wait for the next chapter! :)
12/18/2022 c1 fanfictionalcolic
Looking forward to next chapter. In a way the pitch made me think of savage story that I liked so much.
12/18/2022 c1 Romana973
Thanks for a new story!
12/18/2022 c1 BlackInq
Thank you for the new story. Sound like an interesting premise. Can’t wait for the next one
12/18/2022 c1 Rita01tx
Renee is a is her job, apparently! Can't wait for her reaction to more adventure than she'd counted on LOL!
12/18/2022 c1 BridieM
I’m so excited to read this story. A long time ago in a different FF there was a time travel story. Loved that . I’m sure to love this too. Thoroughly enjoyable beginning. Thank you for writing.
12/18/2022 c1 cbmorefie
Interesting start!
12/18/2022 c1 asam75
After reading Uncharted Destination, I had to give this a try. I think Bella is on her way to a truly uncharted destination.
12/18/2022 c1 Jay
I like Bella's character. You described so well how many times nothing is like we expected it to be.
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