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for R&C: The Anomaly

11/27 c1 murphy adam101
Hey, Hope you are doing well
I read your story and you get my attention by your writing skills and the scene you mention in it. You are a fantastic writer and one of my fav one now, you really impressed me.
The characters details and expressions you insert in the story so i am wondering something pretty cool in my mind so if you are interested to discuss more about it so must connect with me by my social handle given below.
Instagram: murphy_adam08
Twitter: Murphyadam09
Gmail :
Discord: murphy_adam09
4/9 c3 2weavile101
i really want to see more of your stories .
12/23/2023 c3 Omega97
Liking this story, really eager to see Rivet.
12/9/2023 c1 Redblackmark
I'm starting to like this story
12/6/2023 c3 Guest
Surely Eli isn’t losing his mind already from that shower, hoping things will go well for him while there is still some daylight left
8/20/2023 c2 2Sometimes I bruh
Cant wait for the next chap
12/28/2022 c1 Subject ZeroOne
looks good can wait to see more!

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