Just In
for The Warg Lord (GOT)(SI)

2/15/2023 c11 InfinityMask
I wonder tho would this alright to teach secret techniques of stark to them?
2/14/2023 c10 InfinityMask
I really really hope Jon wouldn’t mess up those two little girls. If they lose their emotions or get magical accidents I would really cross with him.
2/14/2023 c9 InfinityMask
Lol! I love this story so much. It’s really fun.
2/12/2023 c12 Hank Jones
Of all the modern things you could've introduced, the bicycle is one of the most ridiculous. It does fuck all for advancement and has zero place in a world with shit roads... a horse is literally better.

Also, did he invent and smelt rubber for the tires and magic up a gear and chain system? Bikes were invented in the 1800s... you know, literally centuries after the Renaissance... my god this is stupid.

Even the morons who give the Starks gunpowder or cannons are smarter than this... that is at least semi believable, if dumb. This is not only stupid, its fucking impossible... and for no reason. Bikes are fucking useless in this world. What's next, he makes iPhones for everyone? It makes about as much sense as this horseshit.
2/10/2023 c12 2J.Bean1
I love that the MC is being a wonderful brother and bringing joy to the heart of his siblings. First with the swing and now bikes, I love it!
2/9/2023 c12 Immortal Potatoe
2/9/2023 c12 8baron sanmdi
starkhorses. love it
2/9/2023 c11 1Vallavarayan
Any chance this will be updated?
2/3/2023 c11 Guest
I dunno why

I know it’s called warg lord

But my mind is reading it out to me “Wag lord”

Like the war hammer 40k orcs XD

Speaking of Dakka tho

Would be great if he made a shotgun revolver

Make it beefy and waterproof so it can still fire in the north cold and be robust enough to take punishment

Like maybe Jon could befriend a blacksmith since he’s pretty swamped with his lessons

Jon and said black smith is gonna be spending lots of time making the tools to make the tools to make the components of said riffled shotgun revolver tho

And one with actual shotgun shells lol

Would be cool if the end game revolver had different shots like wild fire breath, dragon glass buck shot for sticky situations

Maybe carry some wildfire bombs and frag grenades too

Would be cool if Jon had a Batman utility belt filled with instruments of death

Like darts filled with basilisk venom and Egg shells or thin clay bottles of chili powder to blind enemies

Jon could totally have his eagle do bomb drops

Would be cool if Jon poison and bomb arrows

Be magical Batman lol

And play super dirty like spitting chili paste on his opponents eyes

He gotta kill all the witnesses tho

So he could still be honorable Jon snow

With some weird looking and deadly weapons

The dead would just be rolling in their graves lol
1/26/2023 c10 Immortal Potatoe
1/19/2023 c9 Uvuvwevwevwe Onyetenyevwe Ugwe
Haha with ability to sneak and snipe he can assassinate pesky player like Tywin, Varys, or Petyr. Damn boy. Imagine sniping Clegane in his visored helmet. The mountain killed by arrow. Haha. Tywin would be laughing stock.
1/17/2023 c8 3falseproffitt
Look it's a very good story but you're over 30,000 words and they're not even five years old something's gotta give
1/13/2023 c8 Alencolm
Love it.
1/12/2023 c8 Inti Lua
Muito bom
12/30/2022 c1 thegame01234567
Uh is the a re-write? or is it duplicate story?
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