Just In
for The Warg Lord (GOT)(SI)

9/28/2024 c5 Mianna
You’ve used “toddler” again. A newborn baby is NOT a toddler. Toddler is a baby that can walk.
9/28/2024 c1 Mianna
Can you change “toddler” to newborn? A toddler is an older baby who can walk (toddle) usually over 2 years old. It doesnt make sense and is kind of jarring.
9/22/2024 c70 LordDarkness89
thanks for the chapter bro
9/15/2024 c69 Wrixel
Wonderfull chapter, thank you.
9/13/2024 c68 slademartin123
i want more please. good job
9/13/2024 c56 slademartin123
i gotta say, a rapier and making him into more of a fencer removes any Intimidation feeling i got from him. you do you though.
9/11/2024 c68 Sons of death
9/2/2024 c42 Dretnuh
Is Jon gonna make a claim on the throne at some point in this, or is he just gonna be like given a lordship and a castle in the north or something?
8/25/2024 c68 naruto
great chapter keep it up
8/26/2024 c68 Ariadne Venegas
Oh that is a little bad, they had a man with brain.

About the city I hope Jon make them a sewer system or they will be rally Kingslanding 2
8/25/2024 c68 L3onidas
Awesome time that I reread this story with 2 updates coming in no time , god speed for your excellent writing my friend
8/13/2024 c67 naruto
great chapter keep it up
8/11/2024 c52 Guest
Captain Jack from pirates of the Carribean
8/11/2024 c47 Guest
Ironic the Reach are the best spear makers when Dorne are the best spear users
7/28/2024 c66 naruto
great chapter keep it up
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