Just In
for Dreams of Home

10/8/2024 c48 17griffin blackwood
10/8/2024 c48 Fenrir070
Harry's PTSD totally blindsided him there. I want to blame him as he knows how dangerous the diadem is but in all honesty I can't as he couldn't have predicted the flashback. Excellent chapter, though I'm really looking forward to seeing what Dumbledore is going to say. I truly hope that the man who shares secrets as often as Walburga compliments Sirius doesn't seriously try to guilt trip Harry. In the first go around Dumbledore had a pretty good idea about the horcruxes since Harry's second year and did nothing about it until it was too late and then sent three teens to do all the work. (in case you were wondering I think Dumbles should have been sent to Azkaban after Harry's first year) Thanks for writing and posting.
10/8/2024 c48 Lucy Elizabeth Dawson
Uh oh!
10/7/2024 c48 Broadsky
Wow, just wow!
10/7/2024 c48 7Mando-Vet
This was excellent
10/7/2024 c47 Obsidian Dreamweaver

I hope this message finds you well. I recently had the pleasure of reading your story, "Dreams of Home," and was truly captivated by its unique narrative and creativity. The depth and imagination in your work inspired me, and I believe it would translate beautifully into a visually compelling comic book.

As a professional comic artist, I would love to collaborate with you to bring your vision to life as a fully illustrated comic. This project would be commission-based, and I would work closely with you to ensure that every page captures the essence of your story.

If this opportunity excites you, I’d be happy to discuss the process in more detail, including pricing, timelines, and any creative ideas you have in mind.

Please feel free to reach out to me via any of the following:

Discord: lydiacrazy
Instagram: lydiacrazy1
Twitter: Lidi18337530019
Email: lydiacrazy88 gmail . com

Thank you for considering this collaboration. I look forward to the possibility of working together to create something truly extraordinary!

Best regards,
Lydia Crazy
Professional Commission Comic Artist
10/6/2024 c47 5michaelc100
great story so far
10/3/2024 c47 Immaterium
Confrontation with the basilisk - exciting
Introduction of Gellert - I very much hoped for something like that to happen :-D
10/2/2024 c47 Hands Off MY Wolfie
Not quite the same scenario as when Harry was 12, but he did have good help, even without the sword. Harry was a little too 'busy' to explore the previous time.

Thanks for sharing.
10/1/2024 c47 3Scabbers1957
This is a very well thought out and written story.
I'll add it to my favorites and alerts
10/1/2024 c47 17griffin blackwood
Totally not surprised Grindewald had some way of knowing about her
10/1/2024 c47 marlastiano
thanks a lot :)
10/1/2024 c47 Ginnylove9990
This is great story. But I do have a question. Since the story is done why don’t you put all the characters up? You do know that there are some people out there that can not get discord and all so there are some who would not like to pay to read the rest of the story? Sorry to say this but I believe it is wrong to have to wait to read all those chapters that are why ahead. And really I thought the writer are not suppose to get any money for Harry Potter. Even if it is a $1.00 it is still paying for writing a story using JR Rowlands characters discord should be banned. I just don’t understand how these people get away with it so could you please don’t have a way until you get ready to write it done put it on Facebook I mean not Facebook fanfiction it’s not right to have us wait that they can’t download discord or even pay for it because it does say that you don’t owe Jay Rowan‘s characters and I bet they would think it’s wrong for using the characters even though it’s one dollar I love your stories, but this discord is doing it wrong the writers I mean all them not just you should not pay have people pay even though it’s a dollar for reading ahead of their stories is down right wrong so since you got the dream home done, why don’t you just put them all on instead of have us wait that’s a logical place to do it instead of us waiting for ages to get it done. Sorry I sound mad and I’m flinging you but I still disagree with discord about the dollar thing about waiting on chapters and stuff like that. It’s ridiculous and it’s unfair to the fans and also unfair to the people that wrote it. They don’t get any money from it supposed to be free and not have to wait for the chapters. So please up the rest of the chapters so we don’t have to wait since the dreams are home is done. I think that is fair to the people on fanfiction. I’m sorry that if you think I’m flinging you or stuff, but it’s downright wrong and I’ve been holding in for a very long time now that you gotta finish. I think you should put it on pulp fiction and not draw. Ask the people come and read it or pay a dollar to you for a to be read all the way through. Thank you for understanding. Sorry that if you think I’m blaming you, but I’m not I’m just telling you the straight facts and the logic behind it cause really I found that we are not supposed to get any money for it at all. We don’t know the characters or stuff like that so really I think it’s downright stupid for discord. I hope you take my suggestion if you don’t oh well that means we’ll have to wait. Wait wait which we shouldn’t for you to bring out the whole story to the ending but really I’m getting sick. Tired of it so it’s a lot of other people and I mean, sick and tired of it please stay safe and God bless.
10/1/2024 c47 mike3308
Harry and Elaina did well to take down the basilisk.
10/1/2024 c1 Silvia Bartarelli1
hi please one story harry katie or harry susan?
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