Just In
for Dreams of Home

1/7 c61 mike3308
Harry did good to tell his friends and family the complete truth.
12/31/2024 c60 bowers.larry
It has taken a couple of days but I got through 60 chapters. I should have slept a little more but I have a hard time putting down a good story. Problem is ... this is a GREAT story! I just may have to join you on Discord after all. I am a grumpy old man who like Fan Fiction but not changes. It seems to me that many of the better HP FF writers are using Discord so if I want to continue this habit of over 15 years I may have put a little extra effort into support you all.
12/31/2024 c60 wandamarie
thank you for the update
12/31/2024 c60 cameron1812
Powerful. Well done, thank you!
12/31/2024 c60 mike3308
Harry Potter really did a lot sharing those memories with all involved.
12/31/2024 c60 7Mando-Vet
Oh man, this was a hard chapter. Lily's gonna either be pissed or horrified
12/31/2024 c22 bowers.larry
For awhile there I thought Harry and you had forgotten all about Marlene. You have a very good story going here. Harry's backstory is also quite interesting as you have made some not so subtle changes to canon. Thank you very much for sharing your time, talent and imagination with us readers.
12/29/2024 c24 dianaanne
I think Elaina is not exactly a muggleborn, though she believes she is.
12/27/2024 c56 Guest
and here i stop reading this BS
12/27/2024 c45 Guest
im starting to get bored i hope this speeds up some but i dought it
12/25/2024 c59 Guest
Great job so far, keep up the great work.
Merry Christmas.
12/26/2024 c58 wandamarie
thank you
12/26/2024 c59 wandamarie
thank you for the update
12/24/2024 c59 Mando-Vet
Outstanding chapter!
12/24/2024 c59 17griffin blackwood
Amazing present for us readers!
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