Just In
for Dreams of Home

2/7/2023 c4 Hands Off MY Wolfie
That the way to end a chapter. Is that a conversation starter or stopper?

Harry's getting more comfortable with the role-playing, of course it doesn't hurt that this is the only family that has treated him nice [that he can remember].

Learning more about Henry and understanding the loss also.

Thanks for sharing and take care.
2/7/2023 c4 6Yaw6113
Please write the next chapter already. Thank you very much. I really appreciated it and liked it a lot.
2/7/2023 c4 Smokeing
Very good story enjoyed reading thank you. Lookforward to more.
2/7/2023 c4 shedges19
who is harry going to be dating what about Narcissa
2/6/2023 c4 Gatshicenteri
please stop shilling your illegal monetization of fanfiction, it endangers the legal status of fanfiction as a whole.
2/6/2023 c2 ThunderSphinx
Didnt the war start in 1970? Thats what Dumbldore said in Philosopher's Stone. Plus, Voldemort was already on the rise from what we saw in the Pensieve memories this era. Did the Dark Mark come later?

Love the new wand, though its sad about the Holly wand. How old is Ollivander? IDK why but I pictured him old even Tom Riddle's time.
2/6/2023 c3 ThunderSphinx
Great start but I do not like Harry claiming to be a pureblood. He should be proud to be a half-blood.
1/29/2023 c2 Gatshicenteri
please stop shilling your illegal monetization of fanfiction constantly
1/27/2023 c2 boredasf13
this was soooo irritating...I dislike the trope of the unspeakables being some Uber powerful shitz with the potential to destroy the world but don't do so... and the whole secrets became revealed to the unspeakable doesn't sit right with me for some reason..
1/24/2023 c3 Sunny JS
This good, but I have 2 questions. One, is Harry taking the place of their dead son or a lost brother? Two, why did you decide to put him through Hogwarts and not just let him get a job or something, like a hit-wizard. I know he has no Newts, but surely he could take them at the Ministry, assuming they have a system for home schooled students
1/25/2023 c3 Hufflepuffisunreal
Loving this. Cannot wait for more!
1/25/2023 c1 kailashmaharana2500
The needs to scream to the world that I am from the future and you have to trust me and apparently people doing so immediately is so boring. What's the point of time travle if there is no excitement and drama of people wondering who this mysterious child is , why people want to kill all the excitement by letting Harry telling the truth to his family, the least you could have done is wait for Harry to make some kind of bond with his family and winning their trust before telling them the truth. With just one chapter, you ruined all the excitement.
1/25/2023 c3 Yaw6113
Please write the next chapter already. Thank you very much. I really appreciated it and liked it a lot. I am sorry if I am being rude or annoying you with my reviews; I don’t mean to be rude or annoy you with my review; I just really like your story a lot.
1/25/2023 c3 Lonty Arbalest
Good Chapter
1/24/2023 c2 shedges19
have harry be with a pureblood female no one would think he go with?
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