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for Straw Hat Luffy: The Black Fist

1/15 c42 Blue-Happens
im sorry wtf?

sanji needs to be fixed, dont get me wrong, the guy simps to the point its medically diagnosable. but this?

i guess it'll do it but hot damn
12/27/2024 c57 Darja
I write in German. please use a translator ;) google is good :)

Was für ein super Geschichte. Da lohnt sich das Englisch lernen :) Du hast Crew zwar verändert aber gleichzeitig den Kern von Ihnen erhalten ️ super gemacht!

Und sie treffen Chopper bald, was für eine freude! Bitte schreib bald wieder!

Vielen Dank für diese Geschichte
Darja aus Hamburg
12/15/2024 c1 r1tz
need more
11/29/2024 c1 Jsmine Lucas
I hope this message finds you well. I recently had the pleasure of reading your story, "Straw Hat Luffy: The Black Fist" and was truly captivated by its unique narrative and creativity. The depth and imagination in your work inspired me alot. I think this is the best story which i never ever read the way you described and the emotions like each and everything is incredible. It's too good would love to hear about your upcoming stories. I'm an artist if you would like to give me a chance to draw some of your characters for your stories or something like coverart for your story so that would be my truly honour to work with you also i'll share some dope ideas with you feel free to dm.

Discord: jasminelucas12
Instagram: jasmineluc_official
11/27/2024 c12 Alice Scarlett Knabel
i like this universe so far it's even more fun than the original
11/24/2024 c57 HusseES
Really hope that you get back to writing this fic. This has been such a great read the whole way through. Wouldnt mind paying for this either if you have been thinking about patreon.
11/9/2024 c57 Agent Frank
I had a great time catching up to this story. I'm glad you decided to speed through the Drum island arc, it doesn't like it will take more than another 2-3 chapters.
11/9/2024 c50 Agent Frank
That's a great change, I was worried I wouldn't get to see anymore Luffy and Robin interactions until post Alabasta
11/9/2024 c46 Agent Frank
You're doing an excellent job with the strawhat dynamics
11/8/2024 c37 Agent Frank
Per usual you're really good at writing fights
11/8/2024 c32 Agent Frank
I have no issue at all with Sanji vs Krieg and Gin. It would be weird if Sanji, who has insane growth rate, couldn't surpass the difference in strength between him and Krieg within 6 months.
11/8/2024 c30 Agent Frank
You handled the Zoro vs Mihawk fight well, you have a really good grasp on the power scaling of One piece.
11/8/2024 c22 Agent Frank
You handled the Zoro and Ussop convo really well.
11/3/2024 c57 UlanyKarczmarz
I'm still waiting fir another chapter
10/30/2024 c57 3Artemuis
SO... you know that I've been waiting for this for so long. BTW please let the people on AO3 know that you are over here too. because I was waiting for a brick.
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