Just In
for The Longest Night

9/17 c1 mikasaxyz1
Looking forward to read more of your work and I'm so impressed 3
5/22 c3 LILI DURIN
Aaaaah, I just reread the 4 chapters with delight, your story is soooooo good and well written, and I still do hope you will continue with more chapters. I cannot wait to read more, you need to save the boys, especially Fili of course (and Kili and Thorin, for how will Kili survive without his dear Nadad, and Thorin without his boys ?)... so pleeeeeeease, another chapter soon ? Hugs and love xxxxx
5/2 c4 Guest
I cant believe you're back! I read your stories so often, many years ago. It's so good to see you come back
2/14 c4 Guest
I can't believe it! I came to read some of my old favorites and you've posted something new!
Oh, it's wonderful, too. My lucky day!

I hope you finish this! :)
2/6 c4 VRM
I've always really loved your way of writing, your stories. This is really interesting, please continue with it!
10/9/2023 c4 1dlugopismoj
Wow I’m loving this story I do hope you return to continue it :) I like how you’ve written the characters, and the descriptions are perfect!
10/9/2023 c1 dlugopismoj
Hey welcome back! I’m so glad you started writing again, your fics have always been some of my favorite. Great first chapter, I’m looking forward to reading the rest, and I hope you’re going to continue to write more!
4/25/2023 c4 LILI DURIN
Oh I indeed hope the story does not end here, and that you will find the necessary inspiration to quickly post poor Fili's healing ;-) ...
Love your narrative, just the way it should be ! Keep going on, the journey is fantastic...
Lili Durin
4/10/2023 c4 8SpitzeFeder
Wow, this is great! All the insights in Filis battered mind, I love the story and am looking forward to the next chapter!
3/25/2023 c4 4awwyeah107
CHAPTER 4 IS HERE! And wow, it's so chilling!

Lots of eldritch horror-type stuff happening here, poor Fíli. I'm really getting Illusions vibes from this, even though I know this isn't the same story and Fíli remembers his family—the main similarity is about how terrifying everything is to Fíli. But this is different, it's all so very visceral and all of the nightmares are a sequence of events and yet also not really happening at any point in time.
I really liked getting to see into what's going on in Fíli's mind at this point; my guess is that we're going to get a Thorin or Kíli pov next chapter!
3/25/2023 c4 MrsTChrist
Poor Fili. Hurt not only the body but it seems his mind as well.
3/16/2023 c3 awwyeah107
Finally Fíli gets some of the help he needs :sob:
- "He never would have said anything to you, if he could help it," Thorin interrupted. Not to mention what a troll's venom does to the mind. um EXCUSE ME WHAT (also yes that is pure Fíli re: hiding his injuries)
- poor Fíli :(
- Fíli's dialogue is really reminding me of Illusions and Ghost of Erebor. In this universe, has Illusions happened? I know Ghost of Erebor would not have occurred yet if that's included
- Also so much physical interaction between Thorin, Fíli, and Kíli in this story already, I love it!
- Kíli struggling to get to his brother when he's injured is 100% a common feature/trope of your stories XD I knew it was coming! I feel like Thorin was more gentle about that this time around tho, more than other times perhaps

chapter 4 soon? pweaaaaase?
(also I don't know if I'll keep posting reviews/comments here or on AO3, it might change, lol. But I do plan to post more reviews!)
3/15/2023 c3 laily.spenstar
Aww poor Fili! hope he will be fine.
3/15/2023 c3 5Nestarel
Oh boy. Now there’s poison.
Great update! Please keep writing. :)
3/14/2023 c3 vlnelson1955
OH, poor “Don’t Worry About Me” Fili! I love your stories and, I think, like me you are a Fili fan. Can’t wait to see what’s next for our behs.
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