Just In
for The Way I Wanted

2/3 c64 1RacingFan1689
You may have gone for HEA, but i loved the journey and how much they had to work towards it.

I really enjoy your alternative versions
2/2 c54 RacingFan1689
Jeez, Allie can do one >_>
1/26 c31 Mona69
Lots of Angst before HEA, I like it! Love is real work.
1/25 c22 Mona69
After all of the Angst Baby this was some hot sexing. I needed this!
1/25 c4 Mona69
My thoughts are Bella should have picked a man to screw while Ed watched.
1/14 c64 Guest
Loved every minute of it
1/12 c64 LadySnowdon
I absolutely loved this story, I was gripped from start to finish so read it over 3 days! I didn't understand the criticism this fic got, as to me it was like real life, which is messy, angsty, not always what we want but we have to go through it and deal with how things pan out. Your writing is INCREDIBLE and it captured so many emotions, at times I was moved to tears. I was surprised (shocked TBH) by some of what you said in the ANs and the guest reviews etc (I did read some of them, totally apalling) I really don't get why people read a story if they don't like it. And all this stuff about 'end this story now'...well, I didn't want it to end, and when it did I felt totally bereft! I'm so glad you didn't take that to heart. There are literally thousands of fics on here, so why waste time on something you don't like and then write rude stuff to the author? I want to use my time reading the best authors, the most well-written and engaging stories, and yours are definitely up at the top of my list. So thank you so much. I'm glad you've restored a couple of your fics, I know your reasons are your own for removing them, but it would be great if you repost more of them some day, believe me they give such pleasure and enjoyment to many! I'm currently keeping up with your other two WIPs and enjoying them too. I just think, whatever universe/circumstances Edward and Bella are in, whatever the setting or whatever they are doing or where they are as characters, you just write so well every time. Thank you again!
1/2 c64 london spam
Sweet and lovely! Their HEA was so worth and inspiring. Thank you so much for this!
1/2 c63 london spam
Allie's gift was just right. Getting Bella's parents out of the way was needed, closure.
1/2 c62 london spam
So, so good! And love Evie Rose, it's beautiful and not just the name but everything behind it.
1/1 c61 london spam
"I love how we're evolving. It feels right." That's exactly it!
1/1 c60 london spam
God this felt so good and freeing and healing. They're almost there.
1/1 c59 london spam
I'm loving Rosalie and Emmett on their own and with their individuals friendships with Edward and Bella. It all feels so... honest, non-judgmental, supportive and just healthy.
1/1 c58 london spam
Yeah, that was going to be an issue, but so was reading Levi's messages. She was honest, handled the conversation well and even gave herself credit for it. She really is growing.
1/1 c57 london spam
I'm worried Edward might think Bella deleting Levi's message means she's hiding something. She needs to tell him right away.
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