Just In
for Fate: I Will Eventually Become the Hero of Justice

5/19/2024 c137 1uchiha-rune
If Shirou had a harp during the grsil war it would have been an easy win
5/17/2024 c376 CrazyFrog
I must ask, will there be a chapter where Mordred and Shirou meet? It would be incredible to see the knight of betrayal meeting the great Eternal King, who is her own father. I wonder what the interaction between these two would be like.
5/18/2024 c377 50Jokiba
Why must u do this to us why a cliffhanger
5/18/2024 c83 1uchiha-rune
How did I only just realize this… CASTER KNOWS THE TALK NO JUTSU!
5/17/2024 c376 Deathenglegamers1144
Well she is dead.
5/16/2024 c75 Terracotta Tortilla
So angsty. Shirou truly did make everything worse with his very presence, the grimderp continues.
5/15/2024 c375 Deathenglegamers1144
Get ready to become a stick for lolipop...
5/14/2024 c374 4The Viking Stranger
Holy Sheik! Its the Kelidostick.
5/14/2024 c374 Deathenglegamers1144
That stick is so dead...
5/12/2024 c373 Deathenglegamers1144
5/6/2024 c368 sugoijack9
Shirou shouldn't underestimate the danger posed from Miyuverse.
The problem was so severed that World-line was on the verge of becoming a Lostbelt.
5/6/2024 c368 The Viking Stranger
So, no Ars Goetia. nice. Still have an extinction event . Not so nice.
5/1/2024 c1 Gracefall-out
Hello, I'll start the hour with this story, I hope you enjoy it.
5/1/2024 c364 W4ND3R1N6 R34D3R
does eternal king qualified s grand rule?
4/26/2024 c360 Deathenglegamers1144
Wow Artoria is now in full surprise lol
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