Just In
for Fate: I Will Eventually Become the Hero of Justice

11/15 c513 1uchiha-rune
And so Mordred makes her debut. Great 2 chaoters Author-san, thanks.
11/15 c58 realfan16
lol let's say i trust you... sike bitch u thought
11/15 c52 realfan16
have barely read fate zero (the manga) but it seems you've captured this guy's bs mentality suite well
11/14 c511 icea72759
Thank you far the new chapter author-san
11/13 c511 uchiha-rune
Hooray, new chapter! Thanks Author-san. Anyways, I bet that Lancer(Vlad III) will be confused at why they’re after assassin
11/13 c32 realfan16
the drama lol
11/13 c31 realfan16
heh wisdom of mortals hein niw that's an interesting power up
11/13 c22 realfan16
well dang
11/13 c17 realfan16
for the love of all that is written please do avoid using sfx or sound effects "words" to describe any sound, it breaks the flow of imagination... or it might just be me*shrug*
11/13 c5 realfan16
well shit x100 lol
11/13 c1 realfan16
i mean i would tear up the page too. avoid every main character was the plan. :main character becomes your sister. well shit
11/12 c510 icea72759
Thank you for the new chapter Author-san
11/12 c510 uchiha-rune
Hooray, new chapter! Thanks Author-san
11/12 c509 icea72759
Thank Author-san for the new chapter
11/9 c508 Guest
Phew, and the world was saved.
Thank god he wasn't able to get that harp. xD
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