Just In
for Fate: I Will Eventually Become the Hero of Justice

11/12 c509 icea72759
Thank Author-san for the new chapter
11/9 c508 Guest
Phew, and the world was saved.
Thank god he wasn't able to get that harp. xD
11/10 c508 icea72759
this is a very good story, my fav fanfic till date
whats your upload schedule?
11/9 c508 1uchiha-rune
Poor shirou, if he had that heart he would have been able to play the best darn Kamen Rider theme sonf ever
11/9 c508 uchiha-rune
Thank you for the new chapter Author-san
11/8 c507 sickboy398
Gilles gave Saber PTSD pfffahahahahaha
11/8 c507 uchiha-rune
I was just about to head out to sleep and checked the app on a whim. I then got a notification and am now deciding to hold off sleep
11/7 c506 uchiha-rune
Hooray, new chapter! This’ll be awesome, thanks Author-san
11/4 c3 Guest
Im gonna push through skimming for a while but good god things in this do not flow well and read very choppily. The narration is to the point of actively being a pain and drawing me out of reading with how it doesnt fit with itself.
11/5 c505 uchiha-rune
Hooray, new chapter. Thanks Author-san
11/4 c504 uchiha-rune
Woohoo, new chaoter! And before I go to sleep? Am I sure this isn’t a dream?
11/4 c503 uchiha-rune
oooooo, I winder how Artoria would resct if Shirou traced caliburn
11/4 c503 uchiha-rune
Woohoo, new chapter. Thanks Author-san
11/3 c1 sickboy398
Sadly no bulling Saber
11/1 c502 uchiha-rune
Hooray, new chaoter, I’ve been reading a fanfiction I used to read that got over a hundred chapters worth of updates since I last read it while waiting for the new chaoter. Thanks Author-san
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