Just In
for Fate: I Will Eventually Become the Hero of Justice

10/27/2024 c498 1uchiha-rune
Shirou coming in clutch, awesome job Author-san. I’m so excited for next chapter. Though Imma be busy tomorrow, I have an interview for a volunteer position. Gotta get my 40 volunteer hours to pass high school.
10/27/2024 c498 uchiha-rune
Ivebeen checking every like 10-30 minutes for an update since it was 7:50 PM(EST). Thanks for the chapter Author-san
10/26/2024 c497 uchiha-rune
Hooray, new chapter. Ive been checking very often for any new chapters of any fanfiction I’m currently reading
10/23/2024 c495 Some1call4MR-E
Well okay then, let us all hope that this, self-insert shirou,
does not become some kind of, Chaldea-esk, Ritsuka Fujimaru, replacement character.

Then again, as the uploader is NOT the original Author, the last time someone tried to clarify,
more or less, I suppose we'll need to keep an open-ended mind about this crazy-ass story.
10/25/2024 c496 uchiha-rune
Hooray, new chapter. Thanks Author-san
10/24/2024 c495 uchiha-rune
Hooray, new chapter. Thanks Author-san
10/23/2024 c494 uchiha-rune
oooooo, of course due to the power of plot he meets Jeanne D’Arc(Ruler) immediately
10/23/2024 c494 uchiha-rune
Hooray, new chapter. Thanks Author-san
10/20/2024 c493 Some1call4MR-E
Well now~ that is, better than I first thought after all.

The self-insert replacing little Jack, yeah, honestly that's a better ending for the one-off girl,
and replacing the Loli outright is much better...

So yeah, it's big turn around, but now, it makes me wonder,
about the interaction's that, will all happen here, with insert-Shirou.
10/20/2024 c493 uchiha-rune
some set up for plot later on, interesting
10/20/2024 c493 uchiha-rune
HOORAY, new chapter. Thanks Author-san
10/20/2024 c492 sickboy398
Hmmm Karna gotta get his teeth shattered ... probably
10/19/2024 c492 uchiha-rune
Hoorsy, new chaoter. Im excited, thanks Author-san
10/18/2024 c491 uchiha-rune
Hooray, new chapter, and this already seems interesting. Thanks Author-san
10/15/2024 c489 Some1call4MR-E

So If I'm assuming this right now, the self-insert Shirou, with black hair, last I recollect,
is going to participate in the Fate Apocrypha storyline now...IS HE?

I'm starting to assume that this self-insert Shirou,
is some seriously disgusting, Mary-Sue garbage...

While I'm hoping it's not true, since the story uploader is not the real author,
my complaint will go unanswered, pretty obviously.

(and I was beginning to like this story too)
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