5/2/2024 c2 guest
porque esta historia no aparece en la etiqueta de Jon/Daenerys junto a las demás historias de misma temática. Trato de encontrarla con la etiqueta de ambos emparejados y no funciona, solo me aparecen 14 de las 15 que deberían aparecer.
because this story does not appear on the Jon/Daenerys label along with the other stories with the same theme. I try to find it with the tag of both paired and it doesn't work, only 14 of the 15 tag crossovers Jon/Dany that should appear.
porque esta historia no aparece en la etiqueta de Jon/Daenerys junto a las demás historias de misma temática. Trato de encontrarla con la etiqueta de ambos emparejados y no funciona, solo me aparecen 14 de las 15 que deberían aparecer.
because this story does not appear on the Jon/Daenerys label along with the other stories with the same theme. I try to find it with the tag of both paired and it doesn't work, only 14 of the 15 tag crossovers Jon/Dany that should appear.
1/10/2024 c2 Fangtasia
So has Benjen Stark taken a page out of Ned's book? Because I think the dark-haired "bastard" boy was Daemon's son Jon.
So has Benjen Stark taken a page out of Ned's book? Because I think the dark-haired "bastard" boy was Daemon's son Jon.
9/26/2023 c2
Ok hiding Daemon’s son from him is the stupidest thing I have ever read. Oh yea let’s have the Starks being fucking stupid and hide a son of a Targaryen where they are at the height of their power. Daemon can easily have his grandfather punish them and the Northern lords will find out what their liege lord did to warrant the punishment. Heck I bet you can easily declare them forfeit of Winterfell and have Daemon’s son be the next lord so he can steal their birthright.

Ok hiding Daemon’s son from him is the stupidest thing I have ever read. Oh yea let’s have the Starks being fucking stupid and hide a son of a Targaryen where they are at the height of their power. Daemon can easily have his grandfather punish them and the Northern lords will find out what their liege lord did to warrant the punishment. Heck I bet you can easily declare them forfeit of Winterfell and have Daemon’s son be the next lord so he can steal their birthright.
6/30/2023 c1 Guest
I love
I love
3/22/2023 c2 Pablo The Blue Penguin
Jon in chapter “oh shit here we go again” xD sorry this chapter just reminded me of that meme. Please continue the story I like it.
Jon in chapter “oh shit here we go again” xD sorry this chapter just reminded me of that meme. Please continue the story I like it.
3/9/2023 c2 Guest
Are they going to remember. Also I’d like you to consider Jon just saying fuck it and just going beyond the wall and grabbing a wight before the dance begins
Are they going to remember. Also I’d like you to consider Jon just saying fuck it and just going beyond the wall and grabbing a wight before the dance begins
3/9/2023 c2
This is getting good. Give Jon Vermithror and Daenerys Silverwing. Arya can have Dreamfyre

This is getting good. Give Jon Vermithror and Daenerys Silverwing. Arya can have Dreamfyre
3/3/2023 c2 ayienne
Yes, don't let them title Jon as a bastard again! His Stark kin shouldn't have even done so given this is treason. Jon was born legitimate this time and this time to an established Targaryen Royal family (this was the age of Jaehaerys I!) Please don't let baby Jon to be remain as this pretend Snow and suffer under the bastardy name again! (when he can develop freely with baby Dany and baby Arya in the Red Keep)
Yes, don't let them title Jon as a bastard again! His Stark kin shouldn't have even done so given this is treason. Jon was born legitimate this time and this time to an established Targaryen Royal family (this was the age of Jaehaerys I!) Please don't let baby Jon to be remain as this pretend Snow and suffer under the bastardy name again! (when he can develop freely with baby Dany and baby Arya in the Red Keep)