4/11/2023 c1 Rachiraptor
Yep, we were jipped again. Thanks for salvaging the episode. Nice detail.
Yep, we were jipped again. Thanks for salvaging the episode. Nice detail.
2/4/2023 c1 11Weathergirl
You are my hero! Thank you for this! It's a much better conclusion than what we got and leaves more room for hope, without taking away from where Olivia is in her healing. Oh, and the line about his bushy eyebrows shoot up toward his non-existent hairline had me laughing. Thanks again!
You are my hero! Thank you for this! It's a much better conclusion than what we got and leaves more room for hope, without taking away from where Olivia is in her healing. Oh, and the line about his bushy eyebrows shoot up toward his non-existent hairline had me laughing. Thanks again!