Just In
for God? Devil? I'm gonna be a bunny

8/30 c8 TwinstarDragon
I feel sorry that the female clone version of Wolverine laura had to go through all of that nonsense and had to dirtify herself with prostitution. She definitely didn’t deserve that. I hope she will have a fullfilling life with luca
8/30 c4 TwinstarDragon
Won’t lie Luca is definitely a badass for what he did to Translucent. I mean he gave him a warning, gave him multiple chances to back down until he finally had enough and decided to knock some fucking senses into him
8/20 c8 1GideonBlackthorn
i like this it shows at least a bit of the path to strength that luca had to take before becoming the full on tianyu in the sequel
8/9 c8 Flashfyre12
I absolutely adore homeless bunny, but I would love an update to the parent fic, if only for the wholesome Luo Hua moments, the world building is PEAK! Thanks for reading this review, I love your content, and don't feel like I only read it for this, I love your other stories to pieces too!
7/13 c8 Rob
Great story please keep writing I want to know what happens next
5/7 c8 1Nai Darkor
Thank you for the story so far. I hope you will update soon again!
5/7 c7 Nai Darkor
BS would have been a better explanation.
5/7 c6 Nai Darkor
Don’t tempt fate!
5/7 c5 Nai Darkor
What a nice and dutiful assistant.
5/7 c4 Nai Darkor
Well done!
5/7 c3 Nai Darkor
Can a Heretic God become normal through his food?
5/7 c2 Nai Darkor
The two are adorable.
5/6 c1 Nai Darkor
4/6 c8 Guest
You know it took me until the last bit in the last chapter to realize that Laura wasn’t some supe from The Boys instead of from the XMen?


Good shit.
4/1 c5 Arturia LeFay
i just realized Danny Married our Countess Hats!
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