Just In
for Còir Buaidh

9/4 c19 Travis Btmb
8/28 c2 3Zandaino-Nova-Ari
Oh wow bashing Christians and all that, haven’t seen that one before. Yeah I just skipped the chapter, hopefully the bashing doesn’t continue. Other than that I sort of like how the story began but then again I only read the prologue/chapter one and skipped this one
8/28 c1 Zandaino-Nova-Ari
The first spell that Grindelwald uses is ‘Protego Diabolica
‘ not Fiendfyre
8/26 c8 Angeloux
Man, I absolutely detest stories where the reincarnation keeps their mind, but acts like a child anyway. The world building has been great, but the MC’s personality is a mess.
8/26 c5 Angeloux
Author obviously hasn’t been around many intelligent 7 year olds. Talking formal and proper isn’t unusual for children who are well learned and read. Repeatedly using that as a reason to act like a child is a weak excuse.
8/25 c19 evilstatistic19
Good chapter. I'm looking forward to the next one.
8/22 c19 Guest
Was honestly expecting him to bolt as soon as he was dragged towards Rowena. Loved the chapter and really excited for the next since we're finally going to Hogwarts
8/24 c19 cameron1812
Fantastic divergences from canon. love the politics , the security , all of it!
8/23 c19 1Nai Darkor
Canon has long been thrown out the window.
8/22 c19 xXwolfsterXx644
Great chapter dude we're finally heading to Hogwarts definitely Can't wait for the next update and see how his first day goes
8/21 c19 dan.lew.upg
cant wait for more
8/21 c5 agyekumprince100
Answering yet avoiding the question entirely. Clever
8/21 c19 Buddles
Cheers for the update, glad to see the hogwarts arc has started.
8/21 c19 3coldblue2015
Thanks for updating!

It seems we made it to Hogwarts Year. The pacing will stay somewhat the same, but I feel besides finding out Dom grades, Dueling, Fencing, exploring Hogwarts and important events/connections with Characters of "Harry Potter".

Chief Domhnall MacLeod:

Alright, he is going with his family members to Ministry of Magic than to Hogwarts Express. Add the security measures to make sure no Summer Solstice Massacre or Assassins coming after survivors. Dom is looking to unlock Shadow Magic where there hint in his Clan Castle, but he going to find more information at Hogswarts in Room of Requirement/Restricted Section. Honestly sad we not going to get more Fleshcrafting, but Dom is afraid he might limit himself or add too many Runes that won't benefit him. Besides the Ministry being VERY, very magical with Creatures and Enchantments, Dom meets his first Weasley by the name of Franklin...The fact that there are more Weasley is interesting and sad because Voldemort First War is going to mean many dead bodies...Still interesting to read Dom with Adela and Iona with him. Xenocrates is out and people are kind of interested but think Xeno a Cat or Kneazle. Dom heard Dueling Club from Prefect and I am excited about that. Dom not interested in being Prefect or Head Boy given he already does so much work and is building up Clan MacLeod influence already. Dom meets Bellatrix and other Septon Clan members that follow Clan MacLeod protective of Dom...Let's hope Dom does not have to deal with Murderous Wizards/Witches in Hogwarts, but the potential is high.

Ministry of Magic:

It was very magical read the description. It felt like a HIGHER level of Magic with more Magical Creatures in the Ministry, but also like Wizards/Witches are still very ego-centric about being height of Magical Power/Wisdom. Alastor Moody was a surprise, given he is NOT battle scarred or Mad-Eye Moody yet that seems to be in the PRIME of his Life as Aurora. A new Minister of Magic is in place, but Dom not wanting to forge ties with Eugenia Jenkins and opts to wait it out until she out of office during Voldemort First War. Security tight on the Statue of Secrecy, but I wonder what will happen once Voldemort and his Death Eaters start poking the Veil of Secrecy and causing issues with the Muggle/No-Mag Society.


1) Can we expect Squib Rights March to be mention during Dom time in Hogwarts?

2) How likely is Dom going to be friends with Franklin Weasley or perhaps Franklin a spy for Dumblore?

3) Will Shadow Magic be consider Dark Magic or is it unknown Magic that people suspect is connected with Dark Magic?

4) Are we going to have Dom mention in certain chapters with his Goblin Manager Ranlor about business investments in companies and buying Land/territory in certain areas that will profit in the future?

5) Can we expect Dom to be enigmatic figure and bit of quiet Legend in Hogwarts as the Go-To-Person for Contraband supplies?

6) Will there be Dueling Circuit within the Houses of Hogwarts or expand to other Wizard Countries on a National Conference level?

7) How will Dom skills in Fencing grow if Fencing is an Elective/Sport?


1) Yeah, that was thing in 1960s in Magical Britain. Squids wanted better rights or acknowledge Rights in Society...Given Dom is mentality if Magical Community Stronger Together, somehow Squibs fit in that or even more so. In fact, like Muggleborns, Squibs could be issue on Statue of Secrecy or picking sides with Voldemort and Dumbledore. It is rather interesting to read if Dom actually employs Squibs in certain areas and kind be like Muggleborns, but Dom employ Squibs to work on the Non-Magical side of things and be mediators between None-Magical and Magical Societies at time.

2) Having a Weasley as friend not bad idea. They are very loyal and kind. Honestly, gives Dom a different perspective given Weasleys are consider Blood-Traitors by Pure-blood Wizards, but Dom wants BOTH perspectives. If not friends, than acquaintances would be interesting like Franklin and Dom do business/favors for something in exchange. If not...the fact Franklin could be spy or informant for Dumbledore is not too farfetched and Franklin could try to get close to Dom to find out more information on where Clan MacLeod stands with or against the Dark Lord.

3) Obviously on the surface, more ignorant Wizards and Witches would think Shadow Magic is connected to Dark Magic. There might be truth to it...Still, I like to consider Shadow Magic as unknown. Kind of like Skill that can be picked up and consider rare if Mastered properly. With Dom, I hope we get an idea on what Shadow Magic is in the Room of Requirement or the Restricted Section. Do certain clans focus entirely on Shadow Magic or is it just Rare affinity certain Wizards and Witches could have OUTSIDE actual Elemental Magic.

4) The late 1960s and early/mid 1970s are best time to invest in power companies that will become Multi-Millionaire or Billionaire in power in Muggle/Magical Society. It could also be point when Wizards/Witches or Business go out Business and we have Dom taking advantage of that by making Investments in Land and Renting out certain spaces. Kind of like Dom becomes a bit Land-Lord and buys most property in Britain and has Magical Communities 'rent' out spaces and develop NEW Villages like Hogsmead or Godric Hollow. It something to consider as means Economic Success and show Dom impact in both Magical and Muggle communities.

5) I hope so...Kind of like someone who is very smart, athletic, charming, and goes through most social circles as best he can. Besides that, I can see Dom having a quiet secret of being someone to get Muggle Contraband and Potions/Ingredients needed for certain Students. That way Dom looks like normal, if popular Hogwarts Student...But also has business and information on certain students that buy certain products from him.

6) That a fun idea to explore. We know more Wizard Schools and Countries...Perhaps if Dom gets very good at Dueling, he could reach the National Level as form of showing Clan MacLeod has strong Chief, but also meeting/socializing with Foreign Wizards/Witches. Something like that would be interesting. I could read 6th or 7th Year of Hogwarts apply for National Tournament of Magical Britain, but those who become champion of the Tournament can join the National Dueling Circuit. Kind of like Quidditch in Europe, but with Dueling it more popular and sign of magical strength/knowledge in certain regions/countries. Kind of like Americans love their version of 'Football', but the rest of the world loves ACTUAL Football.

7) I hope Dom skills in Dueling goes well but reflects his Fencing Skills. Kind of like Dom becomes the best Fencer in Hogwarts and is somewhat athletic given training, dieting, and discipline he puts himself under to be great at Fencing. Honestly love the idea and it would show that Lord Black training of Dom did not go to waste, and Dom truly channel his feelings into his Fencing Skill to be more dangerous as fighter. Dom can develop footwork, reflex, adapt, and deflection skills would be something Dom can learn from Fencing.

Keep up the good work, stay safe, and stay healthy!
8/21 c19 Kalstorm99
nice chapter.
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