Just In
for Dance of The Dragonwolf

14h c44 Sauqy55555
22h c44 Guest
Sara starka There is reincarnation arianne martell
1/4 c21 JMP3101
Damn the Maesters.
12/18/2024 c43 outcome 5
Continúe soon please
12/17/2024 c43 jmknz777
12/16/2024 c27 Chris
The ending is so sweet:)
12/16/2024 c43 i.amdizzy2
Bad decision.
12/16/2024 c43 i.amdizzy2
Alicent you better make a decision right now.
12/16/2024 c42 i.amdizzy2
Who tf they think they plotting against? Aenar The Killer will press issues.
12/16/2024 c1 Joseph Rossel
Mannnn! This is such a deep and dope story, mate the concept of this story really hit me hard. I have a couple of ideas I’m damn sure you’ll like!

Contact info:
Discord: Josephrossel

Best regards,
11/20/2024 c41 i.amdizzy2
“You are no Dragon, you are a wyrmWhat an insult.
11/20/2024 c41 i.amdizzy2
This is about to be crazy .
11/19/2024 c8 tinman543
the targs are idiots almost all the time
11/19/2024 c41 Sheploo
Hightower scum plots, yet Viserys shows his lack of balls and small mind...
11/19/2024 c5 20Puffgirl1952 the 2nd
The Great Sept of Baelor doesn't exist during the pre-Dance of the Dragons; it comes later...
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