Just In
for Overlord of Biblical proportions

9/1/2024 c39 Guest
dark that was messed up
9/1/2024 c39 codywhite162
Loved the chapter!
9/1/2024 c39 kukuhimanpr
satoru's quest to drop out from school now kinda feels like a skyrim markarth conspiracy level of complexity, but with the addition of hundreds untested mods plus dragons and random events disrupting or even killing essential quest npcs causing random buggy glitches.
8/15/2024 c38 knowhere7641
What is demiurge’s opinion of the atomic and Tsar bomb (or does he not yet have knowledge about this?)
8/15/2024 c31 knowhere7641
What does Demiurge think of the Nazis and what they did with the Jews just as they were known as great "torturers"?
8/13/2024 c38 Guest
wow I kind of fell bad for Kokabiel now he has no idea what is going to happen
8/13/2024 c38 8zakan
Great chapter!
8/13/2024 c38 Miguelssss
thanks for the chapter!
8/13/2024 c38 Uwmu
Something tells me Asia is going to heal sinners. To their dismay...
8/13/2024 c38 kukuhimanpr
suzuki satoru, the japanese future techno salesman kami reeking of dystopian death radiation aura.
8/8/2024 c34 7Paxloria
All Hail The Almighty Power Of Coffee!
...Though truth be told, i think that a mug of Swiss Miss Brand hot milk chocolate with marshmellows is better!
8/2/2024 c1 Storm Dragon X
Forgot to mention this despite what I said in my other review I think the story itself is good. And can't wait for this meeting.
8/2/2024 c37 Storm Dragon X
We are almost 40 chapters and Cocytus and Sebas have yet to appear.
Not a lot a movement this chapter this chapter.
7/31/2024 c37 8zakan
Great chapter!
7/31/2024 c37 Reader
This is my simple and honest wish, please lessen Momonga's point of view. His point of view is boring and mostly unimportant. Please focus on the others' point of view. Only do Momonga's point of view when it is very important to the story. Your Momonga is so boring that it hurts my head reading it.
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