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for Gundam Build Divers Re:RISE: The Return of a Lost Sister

12/21/2024 c1 Guest
This was hard to read it's just blocks on texts with bad grammar. Ironic since you are known to complain to other authors about bad grammar in their stories.
10/13/2024 c1 149rebecca-in-blue
This chapter is so full of grammatical errors that I found it really difficult to read at all, much less focus on the plot or characters. The entire thing consists of just eight run-on sentences that go on for much too long (especially in the fourth paragraph) and contain lots of comma splices. There are also several cases of capitalizing words that aren't proper nouns ("Fun and Exciting"), switches in the verb tense, misuses of a/an, and more. I get the impression that this was written in a rush and never proofread. You might benefit from a spelling/grammar check program.

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