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for The Moon's Brother and the BS Game

2/9 c57 Guest
i do enjoy the little lore talk, dot know if its canon or not though
2/9 c56 benitezagustin182
One of the next rewards could be a modified lunar breath that he can use despite being human.
2/3 c56 Carlom2408
When will you continue Fate Heaven Invoke?
1/30 c56 Mariegrey90
Hey! I wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your story—it’s genuinely inspiring. I think it has so much potential to shine as a comic, and I’d love to help bring it to life.

I’m currently open for commissions, and I specialize in turning incredible stories like yours into beautifully illustrated comics. If you’re interested in discussing this collaboration, feel free to reach out to me on Discord (danban1247275) or Twitter ( kelley_lee22629).

Looking forward to hearing from you!
1/27 c56 biob1
This has me so curious about how it is going to go
1/26 c56 5Exiled Soul Nomad
Uh oh... As if Usagi's own feelings weren't going to complicate things.
1/24 c55 Naedine-Daki
I just wanted to take a moment to let you know how much I admire your incredible writing talent. Your story left such a strong impression on me, and I’d love the chance to chat with you about it.
I’m a commission-based digital artist with experience creating comics in collaboration with authors across various platforms. I genuinely believe your story would make an amazing comic, and I’d love to explore that possibility with you. I often find it challenging to reach out to authors and express my thoughts effectively, which is why I came across your profile and took the time to read your story.
Feel free to connect with me on Discord: lishafang
Or on Twitter: Pelu_Oficial123
1/14 c55 Guest
I can just imagine Usagis "my brothers innocence has been taken" metrr activates immediately
1/13 c55 biob1
Nicely done
1/12 c55 2InfamouslyHandsome
Got to agree with the Guest below me. I've been iffy about this whole arc. Which sucks because I really like Lillim, too. It grinds my gears that the auntie that started all this shit gets a free pass. Why? Idk, man. She just really rubbed off the wrong way after kidnapping Lillim, not explaining anything to her or Shingo and forcing all this royalty shit on her (one of the reasons she left in the first place) and basically threatens with 'do it or everyone else dies'. At least that's what I recall; I skipped over the rest of the chapters after that because Shingo was taking his sweet time with some Frost Giants or something.

Perhaps you tried to damage control things in this latest chapter but the damage seems already done, at least from a reader's perspective. At least from my end Indon't feel as gratified by how this arc ended, even if narratively things will go back to the way things were.

I just feel as though things could have been handled better, is all. Especially since it took a lot of chapters to get through it and through most of it Shingo didn't come off as being as pressured to save Lilim on time. When I read the "I'm sorry I took so long," I was like "Yeah, you should be, a**hole."

Hopefully the next arc will be better.
1/1 c54 Guest
Welp now that sad fight is over (let's br hones here Shingo sucked this arc and got his assnkicked)

Hopefully thr succubus hag-i mean aunyy who badically lied and started all of this shit gets in trouble but the way you make your OC's so utterly passive, I doubt it.
1/2 c54 Jefehorus Rincon
Spanish: ¡Yeeeaaaa!
Estaba esperando una nueva actualización de esta historia. Creo que se a convertido en mi fic favorito y el que más anelo saber su continuación.
Me da tanta alegría saber que aún continúas ccon esta historia, y cada vez más me lleno de expectación por saber los jugosos secretos del extraño, fascinante y desconcertante mundo de Sailor Moon.
Me he aventurado a leer tu archivo de historias que tienes. No recuerdo como lo llamaste, pero era algo como: Archive SocialistBukharin... y es donde tienes muchos fragmentos de historias como John Bukharin en Assassin's Creed, Pokemon, Genshin Impact, wings club, kun fu panda, etc, etc, etc.
Esperaré con ancias a otra actualización. Joder, me esstá encantando esta historia.
12/30/2024 c9 Yetsush
Oh my god yes! The random bs go! meme lmao
12/28/2024 c53 Guest
Eh...this arc kinda was ruined with the lame reason for that frost demon quest tbh.

Wasted time honestly, it was a good plot though but in thr end it'll just dissappear unless Freya is going to appear buy even then, you'd think he'd be faster or more urgent with reducing Lilim thrn this shenanigan
12/30/2024 c54 biob1
Nice work
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